Saturday, February 02, 2008

Photo Hunt (Narrow)

This week theme for photo hunter is NARROW To learn more about the photo hunt please stop by TN Chick and the photo hunt

This year so far we got quite a bit of snow and where we ran the snow blowers and make trail which be comes narrow.
This is Buddy (Border Collie) and Daisy (Blue Healer) standing in a trial

There trail all over our place and this is around our back of our home. All these trail are mainly made with the snow blower but some place we need to use the shovel


  1. Wow, you have a lot of snow. It must have been a lot of hard work shoveling all that snow. Happy weekend!

    BlurMommy@Just My Rambling

  2. Oh my! there is so much snow! It must be back breaking to shovel snow. I don't have the strength to do that.

    I like your two dogs... and they don't feel cold in that freezing weather?

  3. dog's and their trails WHEW cute shot you commented about a bamboo bridge on mine but it was a truck :> So I think the bamboo bridge might have gotten My comment:>

  4. We've been getting some snow here. I don't know why I ever moved to Michigan from Florida! LOL!

    Our dog is part border collie. :)

    Thanks so much for your kind comment recently. It was really appreciated.

  5. Hmm..I really wish we have snow here. Narrow or wide, I don't mind diving in that white pile!!
    Nice pictures...


  6. Beautiful photos! Your snow is fantastic. And your dogs? wow, I love them! Especially Daisy because I have never seen that breed. They are both beautiful.

  7. My son has a border collie & a blue heeler (which we call an australian cattle dog).. they are an aussie icon really and gorgeous dogs! did you know that there is also a red cattle dog?

    and my gawd! look at all that snow., it is something I only dream of!

  8. my god so much snow....grggrgrgr

    so cold for bones on this....rgrgrgrg

    thanks for the visit and comments, you said 23 days younger than me....

    so your bday is on Feb. 12.....
    I won´t greet you today, i´ll be backed to greet you.

    cause they says, it is not good to greet in advance, better late than do in advance.....

    they have another thinking,

    again, thank you very much for the visit n for my bday greetings....


  9. Those are lovely dogs. They must enjoy playing in the snow. This is the first time I've heard of a Blue Healer. Interesting.

  10. I'd bet Daisy is the one who doesn't like snow....:)

  11. the dogs look they love playing in the snow, sure they love to come in and warm up afterwards too!


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