Thursday, March 08, 2007

A watch pot never boils

Can’t believe how many partiers are coming out of the wood work. I haven’t even been to a tenth of them. Yesterday I went and visit these new bloggers, # 241, 773 and #74.
Their rest of today to join in the party over at 5 minute for mom for tomorrow they will start to draw for the prizes at 2PM Eastern time or 11PM Pacific time on the 9th of March

This morning I woke feeling a little ruff in the stomach. Although feeling better but still a little worried adventuring way from the porcelain god(d)ess.
As of this week every day I’ve done some type of exercises.
Monday and Wednesday I went curves. Then on Tuesday I went for a walk but haven’t yet made my goal of mile.
I don’t know if I’ll get my walk in today or not. But I clean a little around the house. I picked up my husband cigarette butts.
I know I should bitch about it more then I do to him. Confession time…My Father bitch and complained quite a bit and I have no desire to be a moaner
But all in all, the cigarette butts look like crap laying around in the yard.
So I’m sort of considering that my exercise for the day unless I feel better and weather doesn’t change I’ll try to get in a walk.

“A watch pot never boils” This morning I walk around my yard looking for more sign of spring to just pop out of the blues.
I went over and to see if any rhubarb was coming up, nope.

I went over by the edge of the barn/shed and see if anything yet was coming up and I notice some of my tulips were just poking though the dirt.

The yellow and purple flowerbed had a little bit of soil showing but nothing up. Still has quite a bit of snow covering it.
But more and more things are popping out over my hodge podge flowerbed.

I started to read Sons by Pearl Buck. I’ve read the “Good Earth’ before and enjoyed it.
Plus it part of my 101 things to do in 1001 days #10 it sure looks like I need to cross off #24

I went into the basement into our panty to get some strawberries out and cool whip to make a fruit salad.
I put the cool whip and strawberries on the counter top to unthaw and notice on the direction you shouldn’t unthaw cool whip on the counter top.
First time I saw that warning.
I wonder why but I know it not a true dairy product

A little after noon pacific time they're 890 wild blogger partier


  1. You're doing so well at exercising, good for you:-) There still isn't any signs of Spring here, everything is covered by a lot of snow. It's supposed to get mild and rain on Saturday so hopefully that will get rid of quite a bit of the snow!!

  2. first of all,
    i love the name peppy lady.
    that's what i want to be. everyday.
    a peppy lady is grateful.
    and that is my goal.
    second, who is the swinger? you can either tell me or i can just come back this weekend and do the research myself (come on...cliff notes time)
    third, thanks for the visit.
    have a great weekend.

    oh and also, did you notice one of those party bloggers (kitty or something like that) has a:
    "will exercise for comments" thingy?
    that's kinda cool.
    ~peppy wanna be.


I always felt free to let people comment as they see fit. If you have any desire to leave a comment that is spam or to exploit others.
If you have the need to express your self here and can only use swear words please keep in down to bare minimal.
please leave my blog and no need to come back.
If some reason you can not follow these simple request I will remove your post.
All others are welcome

Monday, May 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

A quiet day. Been doing not much. A load of wash and seen my therapist. Here is last page I did in my art journal.