Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Life's Bumping Road

The world doesn’t spin the way I need or want it to. I was going to only work a short while and get things ready to make ceramics.
Then I’d hope with our tax return I could of bought a dish hutch to put in my dinning area.
That tax return went and payed off the local hospital.
My last pay check I only got half of it and spend more of Murphy check then I should of. Their this picture and piece of furniture at one of the thrift stores in Sandpoint that I want. At this time I surly don’t look like I’m going to get it.
I’m not even going to pay the water bill in full this time.
I’m still doing home care and the main reason I stay with this company that they put me with a nice client.

I know people can make errors. Honest time...when people can’t admit their short coming or when they make misteak. I find that trait not admitting when you do something wrong a sign of weakness
I know at one time the company I work for got a pay check messed up between me and anther employee. Well they could of admit or say something “Like sorry we got you two mixed up”
You see My dad Pete (Harold) could or wouldn’t admit when he was wrong. But on the other hand I hardly heard my father set around bad mouthing other people.
My grandmother Olive and Earl my brother in law, he and his spouse Tadita mother Ulanda will point out other faults and somehow won’t say their short comings or their fuck ups in life. I guess some people are just plain perfect

I don’t how I every wonder on about perfect people.
It seem like the world doesn’t spin my way very often. I been waiting and waiting for a camera part. Pay check was short so I won’t be able to buy the picture and piece of furniture at the thrift store. I’d plan to start doing ceramic and the cost of living has gone up but our pay check hasn’t.
I under stand why we need a few snags in our life to keep our ego in line. But every time a person turns around someone throwing them a curve ball. Yes their a time we do hit one out of the ball park.

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