Growing up I never felt like I real fit into any certain group. Even to this day I usual feel like the odd person out.
If some ask if I have any friends, I would say “yes” not a lot of them. The ones I have I would say they been true friends.
Sure they was other times that I was told that my ideals or what I was doing was stupid or something like that. Well I came to conclusion very quickly those that judge and make fun of others, really don’t have the guts to try any thing new or different.
Well this morning before I went to work I pulled up on my computer “on what steps I need to do to get going in the ceramic business” Well I got quite a few of my steps done toward doing ceramic. Confession time when things don’t go as smoothly or quickly as I think it should go I become some what sad or even on the depress side. I can see where and how this computer class will benefit me in my ceramics.
This is a picture of Murphy pruning one of our trees.
I admire you for "the guts" you seem to have and am inspired by your work here, really, which is why I keep coming back.