Thursday, December 12, 2024

Today Is Thursday, December 12, 2024: This Is What Happened


It’s been a while since I participated in RAINS ART AND DINNER DATE prompt today is “Candy Cane.” It’s amazing how many flavors candy cane comes in. I even heard of a dill pickle flavor, which I haven’t tried yet. I do like the chocolate mint ones.


Then also, it has been a while since I took part in THURSDAY THIRTEEN. A person makes a list of thirteen of whatever. This morning, before I was to wake, I made a list of thirteen items that start with the letter P. And my take on it.

1. Pill. I wonder about people who take a lot of pills. Mostly, the pills that people can take a pill to counter another pill.
2. Poll. Polls often ask the wrong questions to find out anything. I have taken part in a poll or survey, and none of the answers fit.

3. Pilgrim. Those who are first to land in a new area. After the Indigenous people.
4. Puritans. Those who follow a religion to the T.
5. Pennsylvania. A state that two of my great-grandfathers were born in.
6. Past. A period or era back in time. In a few minutes, I ate half of the mango. That was in the past.
7. Pringles—a potato chip that comes in a can. I actually had some before they were on the West Coast.
8. Phone. My landline or the correct term is V.O.I.P., has been having issues. I pay $35 a month for my smartphone. I want to get my hubby a flip phone, but it should not have data on it. I could even lower my phone data.
9. Pride. I find it interesting that the word “pride” precedes pride. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. Here’s Wiki’s take on PRIDE.
10. Peppylady. My alter ego. My mother actually wants to name me Peppalena.
11. Position. I have a lot of positions on quite a few things. It bothers me when someone plays both sides of the issue. One of my positions is that we need one-payer health insurance. It gets to me when someone says something, depending on who they are around. If the wind out of the north, they will say...” Private health insurance is the only way. But if it is out of the west, they will say...One-payer health insurance is the only way.
12. Phase. I guess we don’t go through the phase when we get older.
13. Prop. At one time, in my art group, we had a person who was attending college. She was in the Theater department. She had a notebook of prop items and information on how they could be used.

I have been sharing works from different art movements and watching YouTube videos about art movements from that time period. Today, the art movement will be ROCOCO. Today, I will be sharing the works of WILLIAM HOGARTH. And here is more of his WORKS

Usually, I write my post toward the end of the day. Today, I did it earlier. Murphy has a dental appointment. As he is in the dentist’s office, I’m going to go and drop off the check for our water bill, which is $68, some items at the thrift store, and deposit two checks we got from our electrical company, which is a co-op.
I also paid the electrical company, made pancakes for breakfast, did a load of laundry, made the bed, and did some other cleaning.

Coffee is on.


  1. ...stay busy and well.

  2. I like your take on Rains Candy Cane theme prompt.

    All the best Jan

  3. Busy, busy! That was a good list and a cute mouse with the candy cane!

  4. Peppa is Joseph in Czech, so I have called him Peppa since we met in 1969. His friends call him Joe and his employees call him Sir :)

  5. I love doing Thursday 13. I didn't this week, but I squeeze it in when I can.

  6. Your choice words are quite amusing. Peppelena especially.

  7. The trading card is very cute.

  8. I don't like candies, the paintings are beautiful !

  9. Your candy cane is so charming! It really makes me smile! And I love seeing the paintings. Seeing Hogarth's "The Rake's Progress" in person years ago (all the paintings) was such an amazing art experience. Seeing your paintings reminds me of that and how much I love seeing classic art! Thanks for stopping by yesterday and have a lovely holiday!

  10. Hope the dentist appointment goes well. I'm a purist, candy canes should only be one flavor and only be red and white. We desperately need changes in healthcare and insurance, though I'm not sure what the solution is.
    Sandy's Space

  11. Nice mouse. Stay warm.

  12. A very cute card! Happy Holidays!



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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...