Yesterday, I took Liz to the airport in Spokane. She went to Wyoming to spend some time with an old friend. As I was gone, Murphy cleaned the shelf in our bedroom, so we have things to take to the thrift store. I'm linking to WORDLESS WEDNESDAY
Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch simply because they had biscuits and sausage gravy. We had to get eggs. I bought a Milky Way candy bar. It was on sale for .89¢. When Murphy and I got home, we split the candy bar.
After lunch, we took a walk down by the river—more like killing time. He had to go pick up his medication.
I wonder which country produces the most artists. If I were going to guess, I would say the Netherlands or Mexico. So, I decided to see what Google came up with. I was surprised with the answer: the United States.
I don't know about this. The United States is a new country compared to others.
Today's art movement is DUTCH GOLDEN AGE. Here is some MORE on the Dutch Golden Age. I'm sharing THREE of Gernad Van Honthorst.
What I notice is a glow on the faces.
I like the Dutch art you shared today -- yes, the light on the faces makes the paintings very compelling!