Sunday, December 22, 2024

Today Is Sunday, December 22, 2024: This Is What Happened

It my kick back day. Not doing much today. So I took part in Penguin


1: I recently revealed in a comment, that about 100 pounds ago I owned a pair of black leather shorts, booty shorts would be an accurate description.  What is the most embarrassing item of clothing you have ever worn?  I doubt that I wore anything embarrassing. I could do an entire post on embarrassing. Or a page in my art journal on subject of embarrassing.

2: What item of clothing from your past would you like to own again (in a size that fits you today)?  Black dress.

3: What is the oldest item of clothing that you still wear and any special history on it? I haven't bought any clothes for a while. I would guess I haven't bought anything over two years.

4: Do you follow fashion trends?  Not really.

5: What is most important in how you dress?  My clothes need to clean. I don't want to look like an homeless person.

Coffee is on.


  1. ...we all need a knick back day.

  2. I am often clean, but sloppy.

  3. Oldest piece of clothing in my closet?

    There’s a video of me giving a bath to my newborn daughter. I’m wearing a bathrobe.

    I still have that bathrobe, the newborn in the video is 32 years old.

  4. What item of clothing from your past would you like to own again (in a size that fits you today)? What is the oldest item of clothing that you still wear and any special history on it?

    Silk dresses from the late 1960s and early 1970s, with sleeves to the top of the elbows and a gentle waist. I still have 4 of them, but I have put on some weight since then.

  5. Clean and comfortable clothing and shoes are important to me.

    All the best Jan

  6. I think my oldest pieces of clothing are things I knit for myself. And I'm not embarrassed about those at all.

  7. Clean and comforatble are all I care about when it comes to clothes.

  8. I have a silk sequined dress from the 1980s. I think that is my oldest piece of clothing. I can't think of anything from the past I would like to wear again. I think my oldest clothes I still wear are from the 2000s. I like my clothes to be clean and comfortable.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...