Saturday, December 21, 2024

Today Is Saturday, December 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

First day of winter in the northern hemisphere. As I look out my window the world is foggy. Today I'm going to take part in two memes. Or I like to call around of question. The first around of question is from. Taking part into day, SATURDAY NINE and it “Happy Holiday” version. Than I just went to on line generator of RANDOM QUESTION.

    1. As you can see, when Sam Winters was a little girl, she loved giving her annual wish list to Santa. If you could ask Santa for anything at all, right now, what would it be? People would just take time and listen, with and open heart and mind.

    2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there? I want to be on honest list. I'm sure from day to day. I could be bumped between naughty and nice list.

    3. Are you traveling this Christmas? If so, are you going by car, plane or train? Car. Christmas day we will be going down to Murphy sister, Faith place. Unless the roads are to bad. Looks like the roads will be clear.

    (Banks of the Oise-done in about 1863-location unknown)

    4.  Did you ship any gifts to friends and family this year? If yes, which one traveled the farthest? To my son Sawyer in Medford Oregon.

    5. Did you buy yourself a gift this year? Yes. It should be here Monday. I will have hubby wrap it.

    6. Which do you prefer: candy canes or gingerbread? I like both. Now If chocolate cherries was tossed in there. I wouldn't picked them.

    (Sunrise, banks of the Oise-done in about 1865-location unknown)

    7. Close your eyes and tell us the first carol that comes to mind? Hark the Harold Angles Sing.

    8.  What's your favorite winter beverage? Right now I will say eggnog. A little later on I will have some with rum. Toast in yule.

    9.Share a memory from last Christmas. ? I bought both my granddaughters. A instant print camera. My husband thought they would have been flop. They loved them. He made the remark that we had to eat EAT CROW.

    1. If you lost all of your possessions but one, what would it be? I would say my art journals.

    2. If you where vegetable what would it be. Artichoke. I would have pokeys on me for protection.

(The Themes in Erith- done in 1865-located at MUSSE)

    3. What would be on your bucket list? Gee single 2024.Is almost gone. I never though bucket list for 2025. I will only list 3 things. Visited my son in Oregon. I'm looking to go down there around my birthday which is February. Finish up that bedroom I been working on. Let say I should be done before May. I pretty much work on little bit daily. Read 21 books in 2025. Didn't meet my reading goal in 2024. I had plan to read 34 books and only read 14 books. It more than one a month. Here is my READING REPORT from Good Reads.

    Murphy and I did some wall and ceiling washing in the kitchen and dinning area. As many of you know I been taking things to the thrift store. Here is what is in my thrift box container. I will take it in Monday and donated to the Community thrift store. Confession time...There part of the Seventh Day Adventist. And they some what promote there faith. All though not pushy. But they do have there pamphlet there. I don't know why it bothers me that they don't take Halloween items. They do take it over to Animal shelter or suggest those who are donating Halloween items to take to the other thrift store. I guess I can say I do have hang up supporting some religious business.

    Let see what else have I done. Wrap up some gifts, worked in my art journal. In a little while I will take up again. And worked in my bullet journal.

Today art movement is REALISM . I'll share three works of CHARLES DAUBIGY. To words I was curious about was Erith, I would of guess it was something to do with docks. But let see what actual ERITH MEANS... and now for OISE.

Coffee is on.


  1. Loved your answers. Enjoy the holidays!

  2. I like you answers, here are some of my answers:
    1: health and happiness for everyone.
    3: Riding a bus to the twins house
    6: gingerbread (candy canes break my teeth)
    7: Silent Night
    8: Hot chocolate.

  3.'s to longer days and shorter nights!

  4. Happy solstice, Peppy. Have a great day!

  5. Wishing you a wonderful solstice!

  6. I can see why that instant print camera was a hit. Having the picture is so much better than digital.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...