Monday, December 23, 2024

Today Is Monday, December 23, 2024: This Is Happened.


Let's have some fun.

I got the guest room bed all clean off. I still have more to do in that room.

(Partenon-year unknown-place unknown)

Murphy and I went to the senior center for their Christmas meal. They had prime rib roast. But before we ate, I got to play Scrabble. Four of us played. I came in second.

But before the senior center, we took care of Liz's cat and picked up her mail. Then we went to Larson and bought two gifts for granddaughters Claudia and Wendy.

Got a package for Christmas. Murphy needs to wrap it. It is a gift for me.

(Pie-year unknown-place unknown) Question time...I wonder what feet have to do with pie?

I did manage to find a short video on NATURALISM, which is today's art movement. I'm going to start going through the category of modern art, which started in the 1860s and continued until the 1970s. Here is what Wikipedia says about modern art. It looks like we're in a contemporary art movement at this time.

I'm sharing the works of JOSE GARNELO

(Bacante-work 1936-unknown place)

Coffee is on.


  1. My last purchase was some cherry tomatoes, a cucumber, some whipped cream and some buttermilk. Not very exciting but if you're clever you could put something together with them-well maybe not the whipped cream. Have a wonderful holiday Dora.

  2. ...Dora, I'm not the shopper of the household! Have a merry day.

  3. Prime rib at the senior centre! Not bad

  4. You’re getting a Fancy Feast Ocean Fish Appetizer with a Shrimp Topper. Shadow and Duchess love them …

  5. Gosh, I haven't heard anyone mentioning playing Scrabble for years. My late beloved parents loved playing with us.

  6. Onion rings. You are getting onion rings.

  7. The last thing I bought, was a can of cream of celery soup.

  8. Underwear. Sorry, Dora!

  9. I hope you have a nice Christmas.

  10. Sounds like a lovely time at the senior center. Last thing I bought... Let me think about that... The last thing I bought was lunch through a drive thru. Chik-fil-A.

  11. Yummy prime rib sounds great! Merry Christmas from all of us!


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...