Friday, December 20, 2024

Today Is Friday, December 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.


I had planned to do my blog post before this. It is almost 6 pm here in the Pacific time zone. The news is on. The other day, Murphy called my attention to the sunlight shining on Roman Nose. Part of the Selkirk Mountain range. The other photo is the Purcell Mountain range. This morning, I opened the slider and took the photo. I like the haze. I'm hooking up the SKY WATCH FRIDAY.

I've been going through things. I put the rings together, and my jewelry is in a box. I've also got a few more things straightened up, like hanging a painting, putting some stuff in my pagan box, and hanging some mix-and-match curtains in the smaller bedroom.

Yesterday, the 19th, I went over to Regis. He was someone I took care of. He and I hit the two local thrift stores. Here are a few things I got. I also took in some items and donated them. Plus, today, I got a few bags of items that I took in before Murphy and I went and had lunch at the senior center. They also had a Christmas gift exchange. I got a cribbage board. I know how to play crib, but Murphy doesn't.

It will be a couple or maybe slightly longer since I took part in FRIDAY FACE OFF. I will be getting my faces off WIKI ART. The faces I chose are from ALGERIA and MOROCC.O. The top face is by HOURIA, NIATI. And the bottom face is done by CHAIBIA TALAL

Coffee is on.


  1. Your landscape looks so pretty. I remember watching people play cribbage. I could not understand how it worked.

  2. Those opening pictures are so pretty Dora. I nice LIGHT snow is just enough to make things pretty.

  3. The faces you chose are from Algeria and Morocco, two of the countries I would most like to visit before I am too old to travel.

  4. ...stay warm and well.

  5. You have a pretty good view form your place.

  6. That's the problem with cribbage, you cannot play alone. If we lived in the same city, you and I could play crib. I love it!

  7. Love those first two photos, Peppy!

  8. Looks chilly there. I like the sort of collage face with the photo in the background.

  9. Great that you keep in touch with Regis

  10. Second photo looks mysterious. Love the gradients.
    Beautiful mountains in the distance.

  11. You got some ominous looking mountains. Have a great Christmas if we don't see each other again.

  12. I love the photos of the mountains. I miss the Id. mountains. Wonderful art faces this week too. Thank you for sharing with FFO and have a wonderful weekend.

  13. The mountains look so beautiful

  14. Lovely mountain photos. I've never played cribbage. My mother in law had a board, but never offered to show us how to play.

  15. You have lovely scenery, especially the second photo.

  16. How is Regis? It's been a long time since you talked about him. Since before you retired, I think.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...