Thursday, December 19, 2024

Today Is Thursday, December 19, 2024: This Is What Is Happened.


Last Thursday, December 12, I participated in THURSDAY THE THIRTEEN. This round, I'm using things that start with the letter "E," which is the second letter in the name Peppylady.

Ͼ Education. I believe our education never ends. I did make it through high school and have some college credits.

Ͼ Eat. I do like to eat, but there are only a few foods I don't care for. Lima beans are dry. The other two are sugar in hot coffee and chocolate-covered cherries. The last two are too sweet and become bitter.

(The Odyssey was done in about 1858- location unknown)

Ͼ Elmira is a town in Idaho. It is not far from where I live. It is the first town across the next county, BONNER COUNTY. The store/cafe once had one of the best hamburgers. Now, as gossip goes, it was bought by some maga person. I haven't been in. At one time, they had steam engine trains. It was a place where they got water and wood to keep the train running.

Ͼ Experience. One of my fifth great-great grandmothers' names was Experience. This is on my paternal side. She was born in Connecticut in 1726 and died in New Hampshire in 1767. Murphy thought the name was someone who could be involved in prostitution. I have never meant anyone named Experience. Her surname was Coit or possibly Colt.  

Ͼ Elephant. The only elephant I've seen has been in a zoo or circus. Here is the spiritual meaning of an ELEPHANT

(The Duel After the Masquerade-done is 1859-located at the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, Russia)

Ͼ Eel, I think they look creepy. I understand they're pretty tasty. Here is the spiritual meaning of an Eel

Ͼ Electricity. Our electricity costs a little over .8¢ a kilowatt. I read that the average American uses about 800 kilowatts.

Ͼ Extraordinary. I have no extraordinary gifts or talents. But that's okay.

Ͼ Empty. When the empty gas tanks, I know it will cost over $35 to fill them up.

(Phryne before the Areopagus-done in1861-located at the Kunsthalle in Hamburger Germany)

Ͼ Elbow. Rarely does my elbow hurt.

Ͼ Elm. We have an elm tree in the yard. Here is some FOLKLORE. on the Elm tree.

Ͼ espionage. I have never attempted to be a spy.  

Yesterday was a lazy day—Tuesday night, both hubby and I slept like crap. A couple of other people I talked to also had an off. It could have something to do with the cosmos.

Wednesday, I went into town and did a few things around. I went to our local bookstore and got books for my granddaughters, who live in Spokane. I also got a $10 gift certificate for tomorrow's gift swap at the senior center.

Today, I had my teeth cleaned and two x-rays. It cost $172.00. Before that, I went to Regis, and he and I went to our local thrift store. I have been deep cleaning our place, and I took a few things and donated them to the animal shelter thrift store. And yes, I got a few items. But still, I'm making headway. The last place was the grocery store, where I got eight items that cost me $37.73. But I got $10 cash back.

Got some eggnog—a half-gallon cost $6.68. Plus, I got just under a pint of dark rum. Cost me $10.45. This is the only eggnog I will get this season. I will toast in winter yule season.

Today, the art movement is ACADEMIC, also known as an academic ism. Today, I will share the works of JEAN LEON GEROME.

Coffee is on.


  1. That is a very good e-list. You did some serious thinking

  2. ...I've never had eggnog, am I missing something?

  3. I think much of the universe agrees about lima beans.

  4. Our electricity has different prices depending on which company you go with. It used to be Government owned, but now it is all privatised and different companies all over Australia. I just checked my last bill and our kilowatt is 53 cents! And as well as paying for what we use, there is a "supply charge" added. For a few months now I have been trying to use less electricity, not using the oven or the clothes dryer and sweeping instead of vacuuming. Every little bit helps, right?
    Lima beans are horrible!

  5. Why not give a try to espionage, for a change? 😊

  6. I haven’t had eggnog in ages, may have to buy some

  7. Merry Christmas, enjoy the nog.

  8. My husband doesn't like egg nog. I am allergic to milk so I don't drink it, though I have had a taste and didn't mind it. And I agree with you on lima beans. Definitely not a favorite!

  9. The consensus on lima beans may be unanimous. That's an interesting list.

  10. I had my teeth cleaning too this week (Tuesday). And x-rays. (Insurance takes care of it.) Great Thursday 13.

  11. I love chocolate covered cherries. My late husband used to buy me a box this time of year.

  12. You did great with the E-Letter. Yes, those chocolate covered cherries are way too sweet.

  13. A woman named Experience. So unusual and I love it.


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