Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Today Is Wednesday, September 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

It was a regular day. I went through a box in the back bedroom. I ended up with a small sack of items to go to the thrift store, but I'm sure more can be added.

I haven't had a chance to feature an artist from Wiki Art. Today's artist is GEORGES BRAQUE. Here is a list of his works.

Both hubby and I had a stress breakdown. Somehow, the door shut as we waited for the car to dry. Well, just a tiny amount of mending was needed. Tomorrow. I'm going with some friends to see the immersive show by Van Gogh, and I put the ticket in a particular area. At first, I couldn't recall the specific spot. It did come to me. If some of you wonder why I didn't put on my phone. I'm still having issues with my phone. I learned that most phones take about 13 to 15 gigs to run basic things. Well, I bought 16 gigs. And it doesn't leave me much room. I heard you can add an SD card for more space. I'll ask the techie person at our local library.

I thought I had enough air miles for both Murphy and I to fly round trip to see our grandchildren in Medford Oregon. There not. Not sure what we will do. I know I don't want to put anymore on the credit card. 

Coffee is on. 


  1. ...I hope that you will enjoy the Van Gogh immersive show.

  2. It all works out in the long run. I still like paper tickets.

  3. Enjoy the Van Gogh immersive show! I hear it is very good, although I have not seen it myself.

  4. Enjoy the Van Gogh show. Some of his paintings are incredibly beautiful

  5. How was the Van Gogh show?

  6. I hope you manage to make your trip.

  7. I hope you enjoyed the Van Gogh show. How do you earn the air miles? By flying? That makes it difficult to get more when you can't afford to fly. Maybe put off the trip to grandchildren until you save a few more $$$?

  8. I need to go through items too. Thrift store here I come.

  9. I hope you enjoyed the show. I has boxes and bags of thrift store items that need to leave my house and go the Goodwill.

  10. I missed the Van Gogh experience but I did go the the da Vinci one and it was breathtaking. I do hope you manage to visit your family


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...