Sunday, September 15, 2024

Today Is Sunday, September 15, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Not sure how the layout will go with this blog post. I've been working in what I call my spiritual art journal. The area I been working on how I believe the future should be. Because the universe doesn't necessarily go our way. 

Question time...Has anyone here served in the military and or an war? Neither Murphy or I served in military. Or none of our parents have. In the past I have had relative served in the military since the beginning of our county. Even some of my relative fought in the FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR 

In my art journal I been slowly and I mean slowly. I been taking neptune though the zodiac signs. Neptune is dreams and fantasy. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Its ruling planet is the red planet Mars. In Roman tradition, Mars is the God of War. It is a planet associated with action. 

Here is how I think war should be. 

At first, I thought of just our law war. Well, there was war way before the time of Christ. I'm not even sure when the first war was fought. People aren't going to stop being biased. There may be some behavior based on prejudice and bias. Confession time...I have a bias toward some religions. But I don't do anything toward this group I will be in. Most of these religions don't even know I have disdain toward them.

We should completely change who will fight our wars. We sent young people whose brain isn't developed. I thought of writing a novel that takes place in the future. There is no money system, and there is peace. But something needs to be done about the world population. I recall my mom saying the war was necessary to control the population. With advancements in medicine, people live longer and survive intense injuries; back to my novel. At a certain age, a person would be given a draft notice, and if they go to this area and a specific location, they will be killed. Painless way. Of course, some won't be killed. If they survive, they will live out their natural life.

Most wars I know have been connected to religion and natural resources. Greed is what war is based on. I suggest getting rid of greed. It is not happening. Young people don't need to fight in our wars. I'm sure that before my family came to America, they fought in wars across the Atlantic. There has always been tribal war. War is coming to an end. We all need to think about the way we fight in war. Those over 95 should go off to war. 

Did a load of wash, and picked up around the place. Pretty much filled up the kitchen trash can. Murphy did some mending on kitchen door. 



  1. Interesting question about military service. My father was drafted into the army during WW II, and that’s how he met my mother’s cousin, who eventually introduced him to my mother.

  2. father was a Seabee in WWII and our grandson is a Army medic with the 101th Airborne.

  3. My father was in the Navy during WWII. All of his brothers were in that war and all came home. An uncle on the maternal side was in WWI.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...