Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Today Is Tuesday, August 8, 2024: This Is What Happened.


Taking the year 2020. Yeah, it is the year my youngest granddaughter, Bree, is born. There was only one choice from that year. The artist is SATOSHI and here his OFFICALS WEBSITE

Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch today. We had chicken enchilada, corn, fruit and green salad. Before that we picked up my car, it got an oil change. It was just under $60. They also had there grocery give away. I picked up an rainbow cake. Hubby and I split the cake in half for an afternoon treat.

Let me explain how the food giveaway works. On Tuesday and Friday. Safeway and Second Harvest donate food. There 11 tables in the senior center. They have white poker chips written numbers on them. One through eleven. And they draw numbers and that table goes up and first round they are loud 2 items a sweet and non sweet. And after the tables gone. They yell free for all. Sometime I set out the free for all. It can get crazy.

One of our water sprinkle gave up the ghost. I was looking for a particular sprinkle and instead I found the rain bird. I like the sound of the rainbird.

I finish the page I was working on. When I put in sky. I was ready to toss it. But after it was completed I was happy with it.

Coffee is on.


  1. The painting is nice. I can imagine a stampede for "free for all"

  2. I like the painting too.

  3. You seem to be quite busy with too many things going on.

  4. Thanks for explainin the free for all

  5. ..food should never go to waste!

  6. Glad the oil change didn't bring up any other issues. (My last oil change also ended up uncovering the need for new brakes. This was not a shock, however, as I had a feeling it was coming.)

  7. Yes, that's a really nice painting. That's interesting about the food giveaway.

  8. What a charming painting. We don't have Safeway here and Kroger won't even allow certain items to be reduced in their store. As they were throwing fruit in the bin, I asked why it couldn't be sold. They said it was because someone had gotten sick from eating "day old" fruit. I like the idea of free food.

  9. The cake is so bright and pretty. The free for all sounds like it could be dangerous. I don't think we have anything like the good give away here.
    Sandy's Space

  10. The give a way sounds like a bit of fun for everyone
    It’s lovely you have the Centre to visit


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...