Thursday, August 15, 2024

Today Is Thursday, August 15, 2024: This Is What Happened.


Over at WIKI ART, I used one of my daughters-in-law, Molly. Did a search of her name. To see what come up with. I'm sharing a painting of Molly, Duchess of Nona. This piece was done by FRANK CADOGAN COWPER.

I cleaned out the Prism and hope to list it for sale before Monday. It has issues, so I won't get that much for it. The CV joint is going, and it burns oil. I want it out of our yard.

A few days ago, we got a bill for our house insurance. It has gone up in the last two years. We have been with the same insurance company for the last 24 years. In 2021, it was under $1,000 a year with a $5,000 deductible and never had a claim on it. Now, it is not quite $1,900 a year.

The lady suggests we talk to who we get our automobile insurance, though.


  1. ...I've found that it pays to shop around for insurance.

  2. It does pay to shop. We "bundled" our auto and home several years ago (I sound like a commercial, don't I?) and got a discount on both policies. However, I've read that homeowners insurance has been going up everywhere and in some states it's difficult to find, period (Florida and California). I think the wildfires and windstorms have a lot to do with it but there are other reasons, too. Alana

  3. Good to shop around

  4. Probably someone will buy the car for spare parts.

  5. Shop around but also make sure you know what you’re covering.

  6. Bundling insurances does help, or so I've heard.

  7. Our house insurance went up a lot this year too, without a claim.

  8. India raised insurance charges heavily three years ago.

  9. I guess when property values go up, so does insurance because replacement costs are higher. It's a pain though.

  10. Shop around. We have bundled & it sure saved. Be sure that coverage is for replacement at current costs. Some don't update & if something does happen it only covers the amount agent set it at.

  11. We've had a very similar experience with insurance, and perhaps even worse. You may have read about all the insurance companies that will no longer provide homeowners insurance in California. If you're lucky enough to get it, it will be double or triple what you have paid in the past. It's really a mess, because so many can't afford it amymore.

  12. My insurance has gone up twice in the past two years. I can't believe how much they now charge for my home owners insurance. You are definitely not alone, Dora.

    I got a :"failed to publish," so not sure when blogger will stop being mad at me!


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...