Sunday, July 28, 2024

Today Is Sunday, July 28, 2024: This Is What Happened.


Yesterday, I went to my art insight group. Here is the page I did. I did finish reading FRIDA KAHLO SONG OF HERSELF. I like the book and even thought of buying it. But it’s pretty pricy. Couldn’t even find it under $50. So, it looks like I won’t be getting it. I’ve tried to find out more about Olga Campos, a student, and her thesis on researching the creative process in artistic individuals. As I understand, she interviewed other creative people at that time. She wanted to publish her findings, but they were never published during her lifetime. I’m not sure if her work has ever been published. But other people took on the “Creative Process.” Plus, I did get some ideas for creative expression.

This week is going to be quiet. So far, I have only three things on my to-do list:

  • Make an appointment to change my car’s oil.

  • Call Social Security.

  • Pay the internet bill.

I retired in the middle of the year. I put in about six months of work and paid into it. I doubt it will be much, but every little bit adds up. And I need to pay my internet bill.

The other thing I might do is meet Qunella and Lolita for coffee under the sun and see about going down to Spokane to see VANGOGH IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE. We will go in September.

We had a pagan/earth-based faith group here in Boundary County. We had one here called Spirfitera, and our high priestess passed away. And then came covid the group disbanded. So now we have started up another group called “Boundary Pagan.” We will have our first in-person gathering at the Pearl after ‘Tea and Tarot” on September 29. See what other pagans are interested in. When it comes to the local pagan group,

Today, the art is from 1987. My daughter-in-law Betty was born. This work is called “Jumping Shadow” BY RICHARD HAMBLETON.


  1. It sounds like you've got a nice week planned. Sometimes weeks don't need a lot to be nice.

  2. ...I should check out "FRIDA KAHLO SONG OF HERSELF."

  3. You are keeping busy

  4. $50 for a book is pricey.

    1. That was cheapest price I could fine.

  5. It's always good to make a list of things to do!
    I hope the new week goes well for you.

    All the best Jan

  6. Smart not to buy the $50 art book ~ and your post is great and Pagan group sounds interesting ~ have a good week ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I find most books too pricey these days, even kindle versions.

    1. Lot of things are pricy. When you income is limted.

  8. Hope it’s a great week even if it isn’t a busy one.

    1. I'm sure more good will happen, than not.

  9. I love your art, Dora. I hope your week is filled with unexpected joys.

  10. Sounds like a productive week! Your art sounds interesting and I'm glad you're enjoying your retirement.

  11. There seems to be a lot of varied activities in your community. This is wonderful.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...