Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Today Is Tuesday, June 25, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Yesterday, I checked out our local writer's group. Usually, anything that meets at the Pearl takes off during the heat of the summer months. The Pearl doesn't have air continuation. Sometimes, the different groups that use the Pearl usually meet at a park or something.

I know our community had two writers' groups in the past. The last one will more or less dissipate because of COVID-19.

Last evening, we mainly talked about Creating a Character.

Last night, one of the people who came gave out a sheet for possible character-building. I'm not going to list everyone but four of them.

  1. How does the person move?

  2. Has your person ever been hurt or injured?

  3. What makes your character laugh?

  4. What makes your character feel safe?

There is plenty of information on the web on character building. I'm willing to share one from WikiHow: CREATE A CHARACTER.

I'm not sure how to save just one photo from Instagram. I could Google it and learn how. The other day, I was looking through the Instagram of OWL AND BONES TAROT and decided to give the card before and after the temperance card.

Before the temperance...What is out of balance?

After the temperance...How do we reach equilibrium?

In my Druid Tarot deck, the temperance is called "Fferyllt."

It would have been nice if the Seven of Cups and Ten of Wands were the other way.

Seven of cups reverse is...A newfound clarity.

Ten of wands is...It is taking on more burden. Having too much iron in fire.

Murphy got a haircut, got some copies at the library, and had lunch at the senior center.

I'm going with Quenella to Sandpoint. I don't see myself getting much. I got my list. I'm taking a book to read.


  1. ...keep filling your days with fun activities.

  2. I like those for character development, very nice!

  3. I love that you’ve got so many hobbies to enjoy

  4. Boy, with the heat we've been having I wouldn't meet anywhere without AC. - How many tarot decks do you have? Which are your favorite??

  5. Creating a character must be quite interesting!

  6. Covid doesn't appear gone in these parts. My brother informed me his daughter had exposed us all, in Bend, due to her exposure to someone at her work. Oh well. I haven't gotten sick and neither have they. Maybe your other writing group will restart again, sounds like fun.

  7. Always good to bring a book with you just in case.

  8. The way I'd save an image from Instagram is to access it with my phone and then take a screenshot. I'm sure there are easier ways.

    Last night I was perusing Pinterest, and there was a Tarot layout about rage. Different ways to channel one's rage. I thought it an interesting way to use the Tarot.


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Today Is Friday, March 7, 2025: This Is What Happened.

 Been slowly getting things straighten out. Today I went and gather up all the paper that I don't need floating about. Like my social se...