Thursday, April 11, 2024

Today Is Thursday, April 11, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Sleepy. Plus, all day, it felt like Friday. Pretty much the same thing. It's my last day of physical therapy.

I came home and made a page in my art journal. The theme is GEOMETRIC FORMS, and here is what I wrote in my journal. One could read what I wrote in the photo.

There are so many different, so-called boxes. That comes in so many sizes and shapes.

For me, the worst box shape is the one you put in against your will. Some of the boxes we're just exploring. And for whatever reason, that box isn't for you/me. It's okay not to stay. When it comes to boxes, they might be crowded, scary, happy, lonely, and so on. Sorry to say there is no perfect box. They all need entrance and exit.

I'm going to be brave and try AUTOMATIC WRITINGEditor's Note: I will edit the automatic writing. I will type for 12 minutes.

Use a playing card and do an artist trading card with alcohol ink. Interesting effect. Let me tell you, I really enjoy retirement. Even if the money is super low. My social security check is only 505. That embarrassing. Help! I'm having trouble doing automatic writing. It is different on the keyboard. I don't think any ghost is working the keyboard. Good lord, they're horrible types, let alone spelling. What else is going on? Still, crazies are shooting off their mouths about gay pride here. But it is slowing down a bit. Did you hear they pass the H 710 here in Idaho? How many will use it? I decided to give 250 back to my local library so they could purchase books. I know it doesn't work that way. Worried about this year's election.

Frogs eat watermelon. I don't care all that much for watermelon. I got two pounds of strawberries and four pounds of butter, and it cost me $12. Not bad. Everything is expensive. Maybe the chicken will crow. I don't understand why this hate is going around. My way or the highway. Being divided doesn't accomplish anything. It makes our world more unrest. I thought of a better word than unrest. But I couldn't get it typed out. For my ATC cards, I'm doing birds after the birds. I will be doing cats. They meow. I bet most of you already knew that. Surprise, I got this far down the paper. I'm sure it won't be novel. Hope not.

I'm happy. But sometimes I'm not. On the 24th, I plan to check out a local writing group. Sat, there is an art show at the Pearl. Plus, my son Bart is coming up with his family. February is the last time I saw them. Murphy and his sister Faith are going to Oregon for a week starting Friday. Their nephew died. I need to post his arbitrary. He was just in his thirties. Same age as my son. I hope I never have to experience burying a child. My mind just froze. Bart has been battling cancer. But he takes care of it super well.

Here is an article on HOUSE BILL 710

Coffee is on.


  1. ...confusing one day with another is what happens in retirement.

  2. Interesting art page.

  3. Your geometry shapes are very interesting. As was your interpretation
    My brother died at age 26. It destroyed my parents. They have never recovered. Praying your son stays well

    1. Thank You. He doing what needs to be done.

  4. I keep track of the days by crossing off the date on the calendar every single evening when the TV news begins at 6pm. Your shapes are nice, almost like gift wrapping paper.

  5. Interesting response to the prompt Dora


  6. Love your geometric patterns and how you divided up the page - great! Keep going! Hugs!

  7. This page is fantastic Dora. Geometric forms are a lot of fun to play with, aren't they? I also love all the colors you used. You could link this up to Try It on Tuesday as our challenge right now is Rainbow Colors. But that is up to you. Thanks for linking up to Valerie's AJJ challenge. And happy weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Shapes are interesting. I think that's why quilt calls to me.

  8. I hope the PT has helped!

  9. One of the secrets to writing, is to just write, spill it, get it on pixels or paper. Enjoy each day.

  10. I agree so much with what you wrote about boxes. Well said. It's frightening to observe the disintegration of our society. I look at my phone to know the day/date.

    1. I could wrote more on putting things in so called boxes.

  11. You sure have been busy! I hope the PT helped you!

  12. Nice page :)
    Happy weekends xx

  13. I'm happy you are enjoying retirement. You'd be surprised how many people I know of who retired and were so unhappy that they got themselves another job (here, I'm talking about people who went back to work out of boredom, not out of need). You planned your retirement the right way. I went the gradual route and hope full retirement suits me when it happens. Alana ramblinwitham

  14. Have a great weekend!

  15. I'm glad you joined Valerie's challenge at AJJ. Thanks Dora. Have a great weekend.

  16. Fun and creative post ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. I didn't know what automatic writing was so thank you for the link.

  18. I do like your geometric patterns.

    All the best Jan

  19. These patterns are amazing. Just perfect for Valerie's theme at AJJ.

    I got a "failed to publish," so not sure when you will get this.

  20. I really love how each section of your page displays a different take on shape and design, so clever and inspiring.
    Wishing you a happy creative week, take care of yourself Tracey x

  21. I love this colourful page, lots of shapes too, making it perfect for Valerie's AJJ theme. Thanks so much for sharing, hugs, Chrisx


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...