Monday, April 29, 2024

Today Is Monday, April 29, 2024 This Is What Happened.


It's almost the end of April. Soon, there will be May Flowers. I went for a walk this morning up to the 5th power pole. On May 1, I will go up to the 6th power pole.  

Haul trash and raspberry canes to the dump transfer station.  

I see the benefits of timers. I have an issue with staying focused. I'm sure I mentioned my ADHD. So, in some projects, I set my timer for X amount of time. And focus on what I need or what I want to do. I scraped and scrubbed that counter where the coffee pot sat for 14 minutes. I have worked on it before during the last week or so. It is time to move on to the cabinet above. I know it could be better and wouldn't make it in a hoity-toity place. But also, the timer can benefit one who has OCD.  

Oh, I cooked French toast and bacon for breakfast. I also like to get a few other small things done, like making the bed and possibly one or two loads of laundry.  

This is my second day of seven days of automatic art. My darn brain woke up around 4 this morning, coming up with all sorts of creative ideas. It is automatic art! No thought is given to what one is doing.  

Instead of using water. I used rubbing alcohol with my acrylic paint. The other medium I used was three alcohol makers, and I tried to draw with my left hand and eye closed. The three objects I drew were alcohol markers. Pansy, lips, and top hat.


  1. ...keep putting one foot in front of the other!

    1. Hopefully I don't get my legs tangle.

  2. So were you thinning your raspberries? Mine are growing back. I cut them back in the fall, but I got a lot of daily raspberries from the ones I have. I love them.

  3. Mmmm, French toast and bacon -- what a treat! And your Automatic Art is awesome -- glad you're having fun and inspiration with it!

  4. Automatic art is an interesting concept - maybe like where you write whatever you want to for a time (like five minutes). I've done the writing and it can be quite creative. Alana

  5. I think the french toast and bacon sounds good too! The timer thing sounds like it's working for you!

  6. Adding distance to your walk by adding power poles is a great way to keep track of distance walked.

  7. If using a timer works for you...

  8. I have never had french toast, I don't think I would like it. I would rather just eat eggs.

    1. Wow, never had French toast. Don't eat all that often.

  9. Good for you being so creative in your art

  10. The timer sounds like a good idea for you. I do like the art!


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Today Is Wednesday, January 15, 2025. This is what Happened.

  I usually don't start my blog post this time of the day. I thought I would get a start on it. Considering I'm having bite eat wit...