Monday, April 01, 2024

Today Is Monday, April 1, 2024: This Is What Happened.


We went to my sister-in-law's house for Easter down in PostFalls. Easter isn't my favorite holiday, but when I first started blogging, I posted my thoughts and feelings on it.

I have started studying the local candidates that I will be voting for. These two won't be getting my vote: SPENCER HUTCHINS or JANE SAUTER. I wonder if someone wins the AK 15 that (He/She) did mask murder if the person who has the raffle can be held responsible. MARK SAUTER will be getting my vote.

Idaho is close primary. Hardly any Democrats run, and if they do. They have zero chance of winning. I'm a registered Republican since I don't vote for the loonies. I'm considered a R.I.N.O.

They're one democrat running, KAREN MATTHEE. She is the only one on the ballot. She will get her party nomination.

Went to physical therapy and took a walk. Increased the distance in my walking.

I wanted to share a few photos—two outdoor ones and the recent artist cards I received—but for some reason, they won't load. Hopefully, tomorrow, they'll load.

Going to do up my pills and pay the bills.

Coffee is on.


  1. ...politics gets messier by the day.

  2. Good on the walking

  3. I never understand politics or politicians.

  4. It sounds like the PT may be helping!

  5. It's good new you are able to increase your walking distance.

  6. Great that you increased your walking mileage ~ Glad you had a good Easter ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter, and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. I walk more now that I have a dog than I did before I had one.

  8. That sounds a little like my congressional district. The same Republican always runs (and he made it past the primary again), but he won't win. (I don't think he'll win as my district is pretty strongly blue.)


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Today Is Sunday, January 12, 2025: This Is What Happened.

This is just a paragraph post. Yesterday, Murphy and I went to a memorial service for Murphy's Aunt Eunice, who died on Christmas. Sh...