Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Today Is Tuesday, April 2, 2024: This Is What Happened.


My local community is taking a brave step and will have an LGBTQ+ event in June. I'm sure there are people in our community, as in every community. Their thought certain people should just leave or go back into the closet.

I'm going. At this point, they are having. Speakers, vendors, music, poetry, and more.

I will keep you updated.

I was shocked about my weight. I will blame the Easter Bunny: 219.8. I haven't thrown in the towel, either.

I have a few new well-being habits. I started this month by adding another power pole to my walk. In March, I walked four power poles. In April, I walked five power poles. Plus, I cut my eating off by five minutes. Now, my eating ends at 5:50 in the evening. And I have breakfast after 8 in the morning. The last week of March, I didn't do all that well in my food journal.

I picked up my book for our local library: A BOOK OF SURREALIST GAMES. I hope to find people to play or try these games, which to me are PARLOR GAMES.

I got my photos up from my walk on Friday. Also, I meant to take a photo looking west on the last day of March, but I never got it up until today.

Coffee is on.


  1. A Pride Event! How exciting for you! I hope it goes well and all involved have fun.
    I'm blaming the Easter Bunny too, I ate so much chocolate! But it is all gone now and I won't buy anymore. I am 171 pounds now, I am aiming for 145 or 140, because I am only 5 feet tall, so I shouldn't be this heavy.

    1. Might as well blame the Easter Bunny.

  2. Forgot to say your walking area is lovely with the mountains in the distance.

  3. ...wow a LGBTQ+ event in June, that's amazing!

    1. Yes. Now we need an public Pagan event.

  4. It's good that your town is a having GLBTI event. I hope it is successful.

    I'm sure it so hard when you have the genes to be a larger person, to lose weight. It's a life time battle. You can only do your best and not blame yourself if you do exactly what another person would do when they slim genes.

    1. Not sure where my fat gene came from. Both of my parents weren't heavy. I seen 3 of my grandparents and they also wasn't heavy. Seen a few photos of my paternal grandmother and she didn't look heavy.

  5. It is good to hear of the Pride event.

  6. No one should be in the closet. The Pride event is wonderful

  7. No should be marginalized.

  8. I hope the Pride Event goes well. I understand the frustration over slow weight loss. I have 40 more pounds to lose. It's been 2 years since I started trying. Easter must be the problem!

  9. Lovely photos from your walk ~ the Pride Event sounds wonderful ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Good for Bonner's Ferry!

  11. I look forward to hearing all about your local pride event.

  12. I hope the event goes well.
    I like the photographs you've included today.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...