Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Today Is Tuesday, March 19, 2024: This Is What Happened.

It was not a good weigh-in day. I've gained 2 pounds, and now I weigh 219. I'm not sure why I'm even posting my weight. It's not very encouraging, or I could be shaming myself.

From the 7th until the 10th of this month. I didn't record what I ate or activities. On the activities, I don't count the everyday crap like sweeping. Five minutes of housework burn 22 calories.

Murphy, I went to town, got tabs for the pickup, and ordered a new plate. Vehicle plates don't last long. They start to peel. The plates are now mailed to you. We also asked what we needed to do when purchasing a car from our son Sawyer. See, my son Sawyer is looking for a vehicle.

Then we are going to stop and talk to our insurance agent and see what we need to do about insuring the rig since the transaction is taking place in Oregon. The insurance place was closed for a week.

I had lunch at the senior center, a French dip sandwich, a bowl of mixed fruit, and coleslaw.

As we were in town, I took in three of my artist trading cards. This is my first time doing a collage type of art card. It is on the right-hand side.

I'm mainly working on birds' cards at this time, although I will toss something else into the mix.

I took the cards down to TSA and traded three for three. These are the three I ended up with. What she does is put three cards in a packet. One is the top card, and the other two are mystery. The top one that was shown is the bottom one, which looks like life savors. The duck one is one that I did. That's how it goes. Then there are the paint marks. It's been fun exchanging cards locally.

Coffee is on.


  1. I hope you get all the vehicles things in place. Hey, lunch sounds like it was good.

  2. I do love a good French dip.

  3. I like French Dip, or used to, haven't had one in a long while. My favorite however is a Reuben.

  4. nice cards, I like birds, but not when they poop on my porch.

  5. Good to know about your card exchange program.

  6. The senior’s center provides good lunches. We have nothing like that here.

  7. I am also on the weight loss journey, as I have said before. It's not uncommon for a slight gain to happen. Are you on MyFitnessPal? I have been for years. I come and go. I like the cards, creative. The senior center sounds like a really good place.

  8. Love the duck most :-)
    I think writing down your weight might encourage you.
    Soon I´ll pick up training again and will document that, also.

  9. I'd have to wonder about an insurance place that shut down for a week.

  10. Weight loss journeys have high and low spots. (I've been on that journey and will be for the rest of my life). You are not a failure. Tomorrow is another day. And, I am also wondering about the insurance agency that shut for a week. Was there a death in their family? That's the only reason I can think of!

  11. Sorry, didn't sign my name to above comment. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  12. Weight is a difficult issue for many of us.

  13. Weight fluctuates from day to day. Don't be discouraged by it and just keep chugging along.

  14. I like your cards.

    All the best Jan

  15. Quack! I always enjoy ducks.

  16. You should weight in kg not in pounds then it sounds better ! (99 kg)


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Today Is Sunday, May 12 2024: This Is What Happened.

Lazy Sunday, but I did things. I tried to get some photos of the Aurora Boroalis. No such luck. But I did end up with some photos of the st...