Sunday, March 17, 2024

Today Is Sunday, March 17, 2024: This Is What Happened.


I sometimes have trouble deciding what to blog about or what subject to start with. It sure is a nice day in North Idaho.

Friday evening, I went with Liz to see "Though The Eyes of Friend." I highly recommend this. I understand next year they're getting more films from LIVING VOICES. I'm not sure which ones actually might be coming.

I got my bullet journal done for the week. Two days this week, I will be going to physical therapy. Then, on Wednesday, I have a group and watercolor class. Well, then, Murphy and I will have lunch at the senior center on Tuesday and Friday.

I'm not going to list all the items I hope to get done—only a fourth of them. Here they're paperwork for tax payments, Sending out "Artist Trading Cards," and Cleaning the hot pad drawer. There are other things listed on the to-do list. I will be happy if half of them get completed.

Murphy and I just talked to Bart. He and his family doing good. But his father-in-law Cyrus had a car accident and is now in the hospital.

He has been having heart issues, afib. Plus, I believe his oxygen level isn't where it should be.

I'm thinking of giving up on the current book I'm trying to read. I just can't get into it. I sometimes find it unbalanced and biased. I know we're all biased in some way or another—I know I am. But when I need or have to make a decision, I try to look at all the facts. I'm still waiting for a book I ordered from the inter-library program, SURREALIST GAMES.

Today is Saint Patrick's Day, but it is also Camp Fire Girl Day. I was a bluebird. Plus, the third week in March is American Chocolate Week.

My cousin is going to have an art show called SLEEPING THOUGH PURSUITS. Here is some of her art.


  1. I like your cousin's work. I'm pleased if I get one thing on the list accomplished so good luck! What book are you giving up on? I'm interested in if I've read it or tried to.

  2. My list from last week didn't get touched. Sigh. It goes on next week's list, then. I find that at a certain point, if reading the book is such a chore, it's time to put it down. Some books aren't meant for me, and as long as it isn't an assignment of some sort, there's no reason to waste my time reading something I hate.

  3. ...enjoy all the beautiful days that you can.

  4. Every week is chocolate week at our house.

  5. First off your cousin creates stunning art. When I lived In N.ID. I did shows from Seattle to Big Fork. The shows were fabulous then and I made a very good living. Hope she dose well. It's been nice one the OR. coast for the last 4 days. It won't last but it sure is nice. I also hope you are enjoying the watercolor classes. Have a nice afternoon.

  6. I'm glad you got to see Liz. Hey, sometimes you just gotta put the book down and move on to another one.

  7. I was a Girl Scout. Different organization but the same type of experience

  8. I often give up on a book too if I am not "into" it by the second or third chapter, or if it feels like too much work to get through each page.

  9. I'm giving up on the book I'm reading too. It's too disturbing. Was new author I hadn't read yet and won't again, given the content of this book.

  10. There are too many books to enjoy no need to waste time on ones you don't enjoy is my philosophy ~ Watercolor class sounds fun ~ wondering what 'gives you joy?' and blog more about that? Just a thought ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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Today Is Sunday, May 12 2024: This Is What Happened.

Lazy Sunday, but I did things. I tried to get some photos of the Aurora Boroalis. No such luck. But I did end up with some photos of the st...