Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Today, Tuesday, February 6, 2024: This Is What Happened.

Tuesday is my day to give my well-being report. Lost two pounds this week. Down to 217. Still have a way to go. When I had my colonoscopy, I got down to 212. No way I would want to clean out every day.

I have yet to start to take a walk. By the look of the weather, I can take on tomorrow.

I wish the website Fat Secret had a weekly average for both calories burned and consumed. They do have a daily average. I could do the math. But I'm going to be lazy and not do it. At this point in the month, the daily average of calories burned is 2474. Calories consumed on a daily average is 1842. I'm happy with last week's results.

Hubby and I went and had lunch at the senior center. They had Tortilla soup. I'm a fan of soups. Also, they offered salad, pineapple, and cake.

They also had their Grocery Rescue. The food giveaway. This time, they offered less. Let's say we end up with 1½ bags of food. 

Stop by the grocery store and got just under $20 worth of food. That includes $3 back in cash. 

Going to watercolor class, and I usually put a $3 donation in the kitty. Since Brie is giving her time, the senior center isn't charging for the space. So I can toss in some cash. Plus, the majority of the time, we put in $3.00 for lunch. We get more than $3.00 back worth of stuff. 

Two people spend $510 to $820 a month on groceries. Let's just average those numbers out, $665 a month. Here is what we AMERICAN possibly spend on food. Idaho has one of the lowest food cost states. If we didn't take part in grocery rescue. Our grocery bill would be between 30 and 40 percent of our monthly income.

Dinner tonight is from the grocery rescue.

Did some more organizing fabrics. Been working on a page in my art journal. I'm sharing some artwork of ISLA JONES. A Lot of my creativity needs to lean toward something other than reality. In some of my reality, I feel uncomfortable.


  1. ...I have been cutting back on bread and have lost some weight.

  2. That senior center is a great resource for you.

  3. I’m glad you’re enjoying the art class

  4. Isla’s work is beautiful!

  5. I love tortilla soup

  6. They do seem to give you a lot of help.

  7. Grocery costs - we are in an expensive area, the survey lists Virginia Beach, northern Virginia (the DC area) is probably 20% higher. For a few years we worked in two states, had two homes, when I was in Kentucky I would notice that the same item was 20% less there than here.

  8. In 13 months I've lost 47 lbs. It's a slow go. I have 40 more to lose. 2 lbs in a week is a good loss.
    The senior center is very helpful for your budget. We are #13 on the list. I don't know what we spend in a month, I tend to overstock everything, so what I actually need to spend, I don't know.

  9. Your friend Isla Jones is pretty amazing!

  10. The price of food is sky high here in Australia. I grow lots of food myself and that helps keep the costs down. I worry about the young families who don’t or can’t grow food. My kids always go home with lots of vegetables from my garden to help them balance their budgets

  11. The senior centre does seem a good place to go for you.
    I enjoyed seeing the Isla Jones art you shared today.

    All the best Jan

  12. I like the art. I had my colonoscopy last week. The prep was not pleasant. I don't have to go back for 10 years. A 2 pound loss is great.

  13. Nice post. Hey 2 lbs is 2 lbs. Good for you. Where I live food is very expensive. Today there is a meat sale in the next town over, about 25 miles away. Tomorrow we will shop at Winco in Eugene after my doc appt. Can't wait to get my garden in. I do like the art today. Very nice.

  14. Good on you to lose weight. My wife's doctor put her on this new weekly injectible weight loss drug which she will start tomorrow. If it goes well she will be on it for 6 months.
    Our grocery bill is about $700 for two of us plus another $100 for the dog. My wife cooks everything from scratch. We are working at cutting it back to $500 but I am not sure if we;ll make it.


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Today Is Friday, October 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Yesterday, Murphy and I went down to Post Falls to visit his sister Faith. She will be having back surgery sometime next week. I am not ...