Thursday, February 08, 2024

Today Is Thursday, February, 8 2024: This Is What Happened.


It is actually Wednesday, February 7, in the evening. But I will finish this post on the 8th. Found out I have some unclaimed money over in Washington. I had to get my father's death certificate. And they wanted me to attach my driver's license and another piece of I.D., so I used my birth certificate. The vital statistics are a pain to do an attachment. I got the confirmation number and sent them an e-mail with what they needed attached.

Even my parent's estate has been straightened out. See, when my parents had their will drawn up. In the mid-1970s, I was to be left with one dollar. My mother's sister, my Aunt, was to inheritance. My father died first, and so the estate became my mother's. Then my mom died, and I wasn't sure if she ever did another will or not. So my Aunt figured if I couldn't manage my life at 40. Guess they weren't much hope for me. My lawyer drew up the papers to release them from the estate.

When I have to deal with a business that my father is attached to, I still get angry, stressed out, depressed, and a lot of other negative feelings. That I'm dissociated or can't focus.

If you asked my father who is the worst person in the world. I'm sure my name would be in the top five.

Now, on to better things. I got my red color of thread through the eye of a needle. Ready to get back to embroidering.

After the group, I stopped at the thrift store and got some papers. Plan to share the paper with my granddaughters.

Plus, I got some fashion fabric paint and tried it in my art journal.

New evening. The other day, I cleaned out my cookies and cache from the laptop. Now, I'm having trouble pulling off pictures from a camera. I'm strongly considering seeing if I can pull off photos from my other camera.

Appointments are on two consecutive days, and I have one tomorrow. I usually go to Art Insight on Saturday. I'm strongly leaning toward skipping this upcoming art insight. On the 13th, my friend Lolotia and I plan to attend Sandpoint and take the Art Insight class there. Possibly meet other people. But I was fine paying and reserving my spot. But paying for Lolotia's spot is another story. They won't let me pay for an extra person for some reason. So I e-mailed and gave the Yellow Room call. Hopefully, by 10 in the morning tomorrow, someone will contact me.

Notice I'm getting low on blank cards for artist trading cards. I'm going to make some out of cereal boxes. I'm working on three alien cards now. Which I will take down to the gallery in Bonners Ferry.

Today's artist is JINGYAN YU. I like to play back and forth between genres and different media. To me, it like being ole stuck in mud.


  1. You say your parents estate was straightened out, but now suddenlty there is money for you and they want your details? I hope this is real and not a scam to steal your identity.

  2. Life is sometimes complicated! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Nothing to do with this post, but you asked if we dip our fries in apple vinegar. I have never heard of such a thing, but I do sprinkle regular vinegar on my fries, white vinegar, not malt. It must be my British heritage.

  4. I’m so sorry you have to deal with your father’s stuff…

  5. I can truly empathize with your relationshipo to your father. My dad told me once I would never inherit anything from his estate and I held him to that. When he died I tolod my siblings I wanted nothing to do with the farm. They bought out my share of which I kept enough to buy a computer and divided up the rest with my kids. I envy people who have a good relationship with their fathers. I feel like I missed so much

  6. I am sorry about your father. For me it was my mother. I'm not sure many "ideal" families actually exist.

  7. Something makes me sad after reading your post.

  8. I am sorry you have to deal with your family’s issues even today.

  9. Your father sounds like a real piece of work. I'm sorry.

  10. Estate issues are stressful

  11. Dealing with estate issues are a real pain. I hope it gets worked out.


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Today Is Wednesday, October 16, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  My first autumn painting is in my art journal. I went to a water class at the senior center. The girl reminds me of SUE BONNET SUE . All ...