Sunday, February 18, 2024

Today Is Sunday, February 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I took a three-day break from social media. Next month, in March, I will take another three-day break from social media.

Only a little went on the last three days. Regular stuff. Like laundry.

Made a list of what I want to get done this upcoming week. Listed 8 things to accomplish. One of the things I will do is set the timer for 20 minutes and do some type of project. This morning, I cleaned out my art palettes. If I was wise, I would wash them out each time I used them. Plus, another thing I would do is have a separate one for watercolors.

Cat Abner is not doing all that well.

My son Sawyer and his wife Betty are considering buying a little over 5 acres in the little town of Hornbrook, California. If they do, he will still have the same distance to drive to work.

My community has started a “Gay Pride Organization,” I believe, sometime in June. They’re planning a Gay Pride event.

I’m not sure how well it will go in our community. But I plan to support the lgbtqia2s+. Some time ago, they had an anti-refugee here. I don’t recall which group of refugees it was. I know one from the Middle East and at our local fairground building. They held meetings worrying about these refugees. Coming into our community. The majority of these meetings were against these refugees. The main thing they worried about was them being terrorists. Some small-minded people think Middle Eastern people and those of the Islamic faith are terrorists. 

A few people spoke in favor of the refugees. As I understand it. They got booed and shut down.

A group of people had a gathering for the refugee’s cause. Well, people showed up with guns. As far as I know, no one got threatened.

I wonder if this could possibly happen at the Gay Pride event. Those who oppose things like any type of human rights. Like to intermediate.

Today’s artist is NATALINA KREZEL. I wonder why and how. When I see a place with a squalor look, I have many questions. I’m sure I both judging and wondering. Then, on the other hand, I see a big mansion well over 8,000 square feet. Why and how also comes to my mind.

Editor Note...Darn I got two of same photo. 

Coffee is on.


  1. I have the same questions you have about his art?!?! Art?

  2. ...Gay Pride and Idaho don't seem to go together!

  3. I hope the gay pride event goes off without a hitch.

  4. Good grief! Guns! Awful!

  5. Hoping for the best for the Gay Pride event ~

    Wishing good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Purrs to sweet Abner, we hope all will be okay.

  7. If only all of us could live together in harmony!

  8. People are the same all over the world. What they fear they hate.
    If they just listened and opened their minds and hearts they will see that basically most people just want to live and keep their families alive, well and happy.

  9. I have given up most of the social media. They don't contribute anything substantial. Regarding the Gay Pride event, hope it all went off smoothly. It's very important to give space to all people irrespective of their choices.

  10. Art is surly in the eye of the beholder. I do hope the gay pride event is successful.

  11. Given your location, a gay pride event will certainly attract RWNJs with guns. Will the cops protect you or them?

  12. As pretty as it is there, I wouldn't feel safe living there.

  13. This art is certainly different!

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Wednesday, October 16, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  My first autumn painting is in my art journal. I went to a water class at the senior center. The girl reminds me of SUE BONNET SUE . All ...