Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Today Is Wednesday, January 17, 2023: This Is What Happened.

Today's word is weird, and here is what the word WEIRD means. Now, I will look up the term WEIRD ART. I will also look up the term WEIRD ARTIST. One could look all day and longer to figure out the term weird. The term weird is how one sees it. Or maybe weirdness is to evoke us.


got the idea from Nicole and her post on 

Now, on to the rest of my post.

It snowing, relatively small flakes. This afternoon, hubby and I will go out and clear the driveway. I keep hoping some nice farmer will come by and clear out our driveway with a tractor.

Usually, when snow is super deep. Talbot will do all the neighbor's driveway with his tractor. He won't take money. I would like to have his address so I can send some cash in an envelope. Fuel cost money.

Done some housework. Like loading the dishwasher. I got a load of light colors going in the washing machine. Plus, some general pick-up.

I was going to the senior center for some of their activities today. But due to the winter weather, they closed. Plus the schools are also closed. Wednesday is the day they have their exercise class. But I did my exercise this morning, here at home. For lunch, they were offering chicken noodle soup. And afterward, they have a watering color class.

The water coloring class isn't every Wednesday.

Did a little writing this morning. Actually, some automatic writing. Read a little more in Collective Wisdom. The book is giving me some ideas for a blog post. And I like to work on some artist trading cards.

My weird artist is BRYAN LEWIS SAUNDERS. He has done self-portraits since March 1995. So, he has done over 12,000 self-portraits. I have only done two self-portraits. I start another one. Confession time...I only have the background done.

Check out the links on his web page.

I watch two YouTube videos of his story. BLIND DWELLER and DAVID PARKER. These videos are over an hour long.

Here are two of Bryan Lewis Saunders's social network pages. His INSTAGRAM page. And his FACEBOOK.

Looks like he has a LINK TREE; I guess that's what it is called.

I don't do link trees. It looks like his Facebook page isn't all that active. 

Coffee is on.


  1. It sounds like you're keeping busy even if the senior center is closed. Weird has undergone some changes in meaning over the centuries.

  2. That is a kind neighbour with a tractor!

  3. I hope someone does come to clear your driveway when the snow is heavier.
    Some of that art is very weird, I like the bear seeing the man and the one with the soul falling out of the body.

  4. Be safe in all that snow. Cool art today!

  5. Creative art you did

  6. Create art that moves you, who cares if others think it is weird. I have started a daily selfie blog this year.


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Today Is Saturday, October 19, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I got another page of artist trading cards—nine of them. They came from Idaho and Washington, and two are unknown to me. I went to art...