Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Today Is Tuesday, January 16, 2023: This Is What Happened.

Got up this morning. Took off my pajama pants. I did go pee before all of this. Got on the scale and didn't like what it read. I have been working on making better choices when came to my health. I would be down a little instead of up.

Let's talk about the worst of it. Sunday was my worst day; way too many calories. I was up by 299. Actually, there are more positive points than negative regarding my choice due to my health. Last Tuesday, the 10th, I was down by 524. I try to eat under 2,500 calories a day. My daily average this month, so far, is 1919 calories. For the month, it runs 2,495.

I wish they had a weekly average over at FAT SECRETS.

Now for the truth: My weight was 219.2 (99.42)spi

I can't say it happens every morning. But sometime between 3 and 4 AM. I wake up. I don't mind getting up and going potty. But I don't like that my brain starts being active, and then I struggle to go back to sleep. I have no desire whatsoever to get up at that time.

I came up with all sorts of creative things. I need the supplies and the time for both. I do need a new art journal. Plus, I'm looking at some more POUCHES. They work great to keep my creative supplies organized. I'm considering buying some PAINT MARKERS. The one I'm working on is almost filled up. I will get another one next month.

Oh, we need some sheets. And pillows.

This morning, it was above zero. Looks like it's close to midnight; another round of snow is coming in.

For the letter "C," I will feature the artist, CHANGMING SUN. The work I'm featuring is from the Royal Art College. 

She did sunflowers, which I'm a fan of. 

Take time, look at some of her works, and follow the links on her page.


  1. I haven't had an issue going back to sleep after getting up to use the restroom at night since I took the melatonin. The busy mind at night was an issue before. After, not so much. Melatonin was a miracle for me.

  2. That must be so frustrating to want to go back and be unable. I gave into my early rising a long time ago. It was winning so I let it.
    The picture of the door is lovely for reasons I cannot put into words.

  3. Have to eat smaller portions, not easy I know. Nice art.

  4. Waking At night is the bane of my existence!

  5. Winter is tough for losing weight here because we are so much less active when it's so dang cold outside.

  6. I never count calories. I just try to eat less, smaller portions of most things and not something sweet everyday.
    I have no trouble getting back to sleep after I get up for any reason. I have noticed that if I only drink water after 6 or 7pm then I don't need to get up and pee in the night.

  7. Many people find it difficult to tackle weight fluctuation issues. Glad to see you are tackling it with healthy choices and self-reflection, and that you are making some good progress. Regarding early wakeups, happens to me as well. I too dread the prospect of not being able to go back to sleep again. I think the trick is not worry about. Just be calm and that will take care.

  8. I know what you mean, I wake up very early, too. Then I take a book and read. Hugs!

  9. Dieting is hard. I seem to have lost the will for it.

  10. Coffret Marketing stands out as the premier CCD roasted coffee beans supplier, offering unparalleled quality and flavor. Elevate your coffee experience with our meticulously sourced and roasted beans. Trust Coffret Marketing for the perfect blend that caters to the distinctive taste preferred by CCD enthusiasts, ensuring a delightful and aromatic brew.

  11. Getting the brain to shut down early in the morning to get back to sleep is a challenge.

  12. I too find it hard to get back yo sleeping once I wake up at around 3am. But half an hour or so and then i get back to a light sleep gor an hour or so. That's the end. I wake up by 5 and get going.


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Today Is Saturday, October 19, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I got another page of artist trading cards—nine of them. They came from Idaho and Washington, and two are unknown to me. I went to art...