Thursday, January 18, 2024

Today Is Thursday, January 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 I would start with a beautiful photo. Which I got off the internet. I don't like the feeling of not knowing. Around midnight or so, hubby got up and fell, actually twice. What was scary was that he was making a strange, unknown noise. Sitting on the floor up against the closet door. At first, I thought he was sleepwalking and fell. I wasn't yelling or whispering to him. But talking in a firm voice. To find out what was going on.

Well, he over ate cannabis. But the sound he was making was unnerving. So I didn't sleep well. I thought of calling an ambulance even.

So we're both tired.

Breakfast this morning is what we could find in the fridge. Wash the sheets off the bed. We only have one set of sheets for our bed. We sleep in a king-size bed. Going to order sheets from probably Amazon.

So, I don't know what Murphy had for breakfast. I had a banana pancake with pecans in it.

This is the A.T.C. card I took over to Tea Scarlett Gallery. She holds an artist trading card swap. Plus, I'm taking part in RAINS Thursday Art and Dinner Date. Today's theme is Matches. If you have time, look at the other artist's work.

Coffee is on.


  1. ...I have Orthostatic hypotension, perhaps he does too.

  2. Oh no, I hope he's ok now.

  3. That sounds scary. It sounds like he was disoriented, which I'm sure didn't help things.

  4. It must have been scary when your husband fell as he did. Hope all is well now.

  5. I hope your husband gets well soon. How very scary for you.

  6. So scary about Murphy. Nice art though.

  7. Best wishes and blessings to you both my friend Aloha

  8. A scary night for both of you. Maybe you should ration the cannabis. Your ATC is nice, like a queen of hearts.

  9. Hope Murphy's ok now.
    The card is good.

  10. That was a weird and scary night.

  11. A scary night for both of you.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Saturday, October 19, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I got another page of artist trading cards—nine of them. They came from Idaho and Washington, and two are unknown to me. I went to art...