Thursday, January 11, 2024

Today Is Thursday, January 11, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 I'm fine. Just have yet to feel like blogging.

I finished reading the book LITTLE PRINCE and totally loved the story. I plan to read more by ANTOINE DE SAINT. As I wait for my next book from the inter-library program. I'm starting COLLECTIVE WISDOM.

I have watched over on YouTube, on the surrealist artist. I came across an artist, KAY SAGE. My first thought was that her work was "off the wall." Well, I had to learn about the phrase, OFF THE WALL. I know some have thought I was "off the wall" at times.

The last three times. Hubby and I went to FIT AND FALL CLASSES. We had no instructor. But I can understand why. The weather.

I don't know if other places have something close to Fit and Fall Classes. We also have a STRONG PEOPLE PROGRAM.

Hubby and move snow out of the driveway.


  1. ...take care and stay warm and well.

  2. Sometimes there really isn't anything to blog about. I know that feeling.

  3. You are keeping busy doing good things.

  4. I have taken classes like that, but they are not available recently, and if they were, I still wouldn't attend the way my body is now.

  5. Is that your house covered in snow? It makes a pretty picture.

  6. Lots of snow to be removed, by the look of it. I hope your heating is working well.

  7. Looks chilly there.

  8. That's a lot of snow!

  9. Little Prince is worth reading more than once.

  10. We’re headed into another storm day! Winter weather can be depressing.

  11. My wife teaches chair classes at a couple of gyms in town for people who want to get stronger and more fit.


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Today Is Sunday, October 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I'm unsure how I feel or what my opinion is on my college turtle. I will set on. I doubt it. I will make any changes. I guess I can sa...