Friday, January 12, 2024

Today Is Friday, January 12, 2024: This Is What Happened


Had a hard time figuring out what to have for breakfast. The senior center lunch is basically breakfast. So I made a sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich.

Yesterday's photo is over on my BLOG. The green is my home, and the other is our shed/garage. The snow up against the building is from the snowblower.

It got down to -12 (-24). I'm glad my home is nice and toasty.

Trump is a jerk. I could come up with some other terms. A whole list of them. I'm sure the world knows about his day in court. And how he behaved. Anyone I know, or even myself, behaved that way in court. Would have been charged with an attempt of court. Fined and hauled off to a jail cell.

Hubby went to the doctor the other day to have his AC-1 checked, and it was good. But as I was sitting up out in the waiting room. He also talks to the doctor about my hip. And she ordered an X-ray. Haven't heard anything back yet. Both hips bothered me, but my left hurt more than my right.

I applied to get a discount on our internet service. We currently pay $70 a month for a 25Mbps download. It is called AFFORDABLE CONNECTIVITY PROGRAM. We could get up to $30 a month off.

Usually on Saturday. I go to Art Insight at the tea shop, WELLNESS TEA BAR. But she will close up during this cold snap.

The lady who runs it, Greta. She was up in the air about having it. Plus, she would also need to find a place to have it.

If there no art-insight. I may call my friend Lolita and see if she is up to being creative tomorrow, Saturday, January 13.

I don't know how good my photos are. I finely finished up my double pages in my art journal. Just took some close-up photos. Since both Murphy and I were outside. I got some sky photos.

So I'm hooking up with FRIDAY FACE OFF. Even if my people don't have faces. Then, I'm also linking to ART FOR FUN FRIDAY and SKYWATCH FRIDAY.

Coffee is on.


  1. It’s cold out there, isn’t it? Stay warm.

  2. ...I hope that you will be able to get some relief for your hip pain.

  3. Sorry about your hip. Let us know what they say. Your photos are pretty but like I said before, I'm glad I don't live in snow country anymore. LOL An art day with a friend is a good thing. Ohhhh you do not want to get me started on the orange ass wipe. I truly would like to know what he has on officials that he is NOT in prison right now. Any other person would be in jail waiting to go to court. If he makes it back into the white house we are all screwed. Remember hitler was elected too.

  4. Yes, the world thinks a lot about Trump and his behavior 😉 Unfortunately, so many people still think he's great, I don't know why. Mental derangement?
    I also have hip pain. My therapist told me to stretch my piriformis muscle - that helps. Here's an exercise:
    Warm rust rose greetings and all the best from Austria, Traude 😊

  5. Too bad about the art thing, but I'm sure many don't want to go out when it gets that cold and snowy. I assume. Sometimes I like having breakfast at different times, especially breakfast for dinner.

  6. Love the snow pictures. We don't get snow where I live but maybe once every 8 years. lol

  7. Sorry you are having problems with your hips, hopefully your X-ray appointment will come through soon.
    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  8. Nice art! Sometimes the cold makes the hips worse.

  9. You’ve had it cold for sure. Glad you are keeping toasty warm!

  10. Lovely sky photos and fun art works ~ stay warm ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. That's cold! I'd rather see snow in photos like yours than experience that kind of cold (it's not common where I live - not anymore, anyway). Alana

  12. It looks very cold there now. I hope they find a solution for your hip pain. Trump is an idiot.

  13. These cold cold temps make people not want to do anything, which is probably wise. It's dangerous to be out and about in such conditions. Your snow pictures look very cold. Plus, who wants to be out and risk a fall. trump is beyond a jerk, the list of things I could say about him is very long indeed. You're right his behavior shouldn't be tolerated; but somehow this bottom feeder excuse of a human gets away with far too much, that no one we know would get away with. It's beyond maddening. And his cult love his acting out like that, that too me is both scary and sad. I keep thinking something will make his cult wake up and realize they've been brain washed.
    Sandy's Space

  14. It's cold there right now. It even looks cold in your photos. We're in the 50's and having a lot of rain.I hope you get your Saturday art day. and for politics-I couldn't agree more. :) Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

  15. I see you are having winter. We were walloped overnight.

  16. The temp here is supposed to drop. We got snow yesterday but nothing close to what was predicted. The wind is crazy today so I know drifting will be an issue. The pictures of your backyard are so beautiful.

  17. Lots of snow there

  18. I'm glad to see that you are staying fit. I hope your hip is okay.

  19. Those are some cold temperatures. Glad you are staying active!

  20. Lovely photos of the snow. I haven't known cold like your cold. I have that $30 off. I got an email from my company with a link to ask congress to extend it, as it's set to expire. $30 is a lot when most bills went up. Electricity went up this past week, right when we need it. Coincidence? Ha!


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Today Is Sunday, October 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I'm unsure how I feel or what my opinion is on my college turtle. I will set on. I doubt it. I will make any changes. I guess I can sa...