Monday, January 01, 2024

Today Is Monday, January 1, 2024: This Is What Happened.


Now, it is 2024. My keyword for the year is better. No resolution or goals. Just take one day at a time. Sometimes, I need to check in with my past or future. The key word is "Check in".

Didn't go out and party for New Year's Eve. The thought of hangover scares me. Walking on high heels, those over 3 inches, does, too.

Yesterday and today, I did up some artist trading cards. I did up 11 of them. Still need to take photos of them.
Organized more of my creative supplies. In February, I plan to order some more bags. We first need to get king-size sheets; we only have one set.

Went to grocery stores. Both Safeway and Super One. Food is getting costly. Spend around sixty dollars.

Tried a new and different way of laying out tarot cards. Used all my tarot deck, which is six of them. It was interesting. Came up with three aces. It means the start of something. Then, the court cards are what I call human skills. Something I like to call wisdom. Hopefully, as we age, we gain it.
Two oracle cards are wolf and dance. Keywords are...celebration, happiness, freedom, achievement, cooperation, instinct, challenge, and strength.

Coffee is on.


  1. We didn't go out either, we feel safer at home these days. Here's to a happy and healthy 2024. Happy New Year!

  2. Ooooo, that is really neat how you laid out the cards from various decks to make your tarot reading! I'll have to try that too! Happy New Year!

  3. ...partying on New Year's Eve has never been my things! I rather have a good night's sleep.

  4. Interesting grouping of cards.

  5. Happy new year. I had a friend stay over for New Years and we all went to bed at ten thirty lol
    Hang overs don worry me. I only have one or two drinks. That’s enough for me these days

  6. Happy New Year, Peppy.

  7. Haven' t been out on NYE in a decade or more. Too many crazies out. Glad you got some art in. Ohhh the cost of groceries are out to touch here. I have to be very careful. Hopefully, my foot will be healed to get my garden going this year. I do like the sound of your reading too. Have a nice day today.

  8. Have a good new year! Hugs, Valerie

  9. Happy and Healthy New Year to you ~ one moment at a time ~ hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Taking one day at a time is a good resolution.

  11. I like the key words you chose for 2024. Looking forward to seeing the artist trading cards.

  12. May the New Year bring you a lot of colours 🌈

  13. Happy New Year to you. My high heeled days are long over - so is wanting to drink or even go out on New Year's Eve. No resolutions is a good resolution. I usually don't make any. Alana

  14. We stayed home too. Tanya cooked a Ukrainian banquet for NYE for just the two of us. At home we usually had family and many more dishes.


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Today Is Monday, October 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I went to the senior center for lunch. They had bean soup, which I like a lot. I did a few small things around the place. I got a few more i...