Thursday, December 28, 2023

Today Is Thursday, December 28, 2023: This Is What Happened.

 It is still morning here. Yesterday, I went over and visited Liz. She seems to be doing okay. I do worry about her. I bought a bottle of pre-mixed eggnog with brandy. I messed up! I had a little too much eggnog. Too much dairy isn't my friend. To put it blankly! My digestion and I aren't on friendly terms. 

Before I went to Liz. I mailed a package down to Oregon. And stop in at our local library and order a book, the inter-library program. My next read will be Volume One of Queen Victoria's Diaries. This year, I read 29 books. Within the next week, I will list what I read. My "Good Read" 2024 goal will be 33 books. I have a few days before I have to set it. 

This morning, I did my exercise. We had pumpkin pancakes with white chocolate chips and pecans. And country sausage. Plus, I did the dishes. Which is loading the dishwasher. I remember a time when the dishwasher wasn't a thing.

Most of the time, I did dinner dishes when I lived in my parents' home. My mom did breakfast and lunch dishes.

Took at the trash, also. This morning. Did 10 minutes of "Automatic Writing." Did a little work on my art journal. I also did a little organizing of my art supplies. 

Murphy is making pigs in blankets. 

 I need to work on wrapping two other Christmas gifts that must be shipped to Oregon. 

I'm having coffee with Qunella tomorrow, At Under The Sun. 

Go through more of the collage supplies Qunella gave to me. I'm not going to keep all that much of it. My goal is to have sort out before mid-January. Then, I will offer it to Lolita and Greta.

But I need to make it clear. What they don't want or need is the collage supplies. It can be given back to Quenella. She said she wouldn't dump it on me or anyone else. 

I couldn't figure out how to get photos off my cameras. Will now I know. My Kodak camera needs batteries. It takes double AA. Up at General Dollar, they're at a reasonable price. Hopefully, they are still there. 

The front entrance was from my Lumix and off deck, was taken by my phone. The other photos. It is from the Museum of Modern Art in the Bay Area.


  1. If you have a sim card in your camera, you can also take that card and use a card reader to upload your pictures. Some models of laptops have a sim card reader embedded. (I think my current computer does, but I upload my pictures via the cloud.)

  2. ...I've never had eggnog, am I missing out?

  3. Sometimes I will order the ebooks from Amazon that are free. The selection isn't always great but it's have found some that I enjoyed. Dollar Tree has cheap books too. When done I donate them to neighborhood libraries.

  4. You've been busy! I'm glad you went to see Liz, that was nice. Hey, I am allergic to the dairy protein so any and all dairy is off limits to me.

  5. What is that gold lady with the square dress? Is it a dinner bell? To rung when dinner is ready? Is that a photo of you with the ice cream cone?

  6. Sorry about the egg nog

  7. Digestive systems can take a bit of a hit at this time of year.

  8. Sounds like you have to trouble filing your time! Sorry about the eggnog, but the pumpkin pancakes sound good.

  9. Take it easy this weekend, get over the eggnog overdose. It's easy to overdo it on eggnog, its so rich.

  10. Oh dear! Sorry about the eggnog.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Monday, October 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I went to the senior center for lunch. They had bean soup, which I like a lot. I did a few small things around the place. I got a few more i...