Monday, December 18, 2023

Today Is Monday, December 18, 2023: This Is What Happened


Had Lasagna at the senior center. It is hard to cook something like that for two people. It is better to reheat. A couple there said, “Every so often, we get a Stouffer’s lasagna and make several meals out of it.”
Murphy went to the dentist this morning. He dropped me off at the senior center. I read more of the current book, which I have been reading for a while.
Hubby was back at the senior center around 10:30. So he went into the exercise class, and I skipped it. My left hip has been giving me issues. I even went to bed at 7pm last night.

We went over to see a friend of ours in Priest River on Sunday. His couch was too soft for me and rolled me up like a pretzel, and it played a number on my hip.
The pain even woke me up a couple of times during the night.
I should be able to sleep through the night. Doing much better.

Sometimes, I wonder where people come up with their loonies’ ideals. I was in the senior center. One of the regular Gan’s wife, Ran. I haven’t talked to her for a while. Our kids went to school together.
Let me tell you. She has some wild conspiracy ideals.
Her kids were born at home. Because she believes that the hospitals put some type of eye drops in babies’ eyes to make them blind.
Her son wants to get them a new hot water heater for Christmas. But for some reason, she has the idea that some military group is going to come through all the small towns and take over. Or something like that. So she told them to hold off on the hot water heater.
I even google it. I’m not going to lose sleep over it.

I got part of my gifts to ship down to Medford, Ore. Notice that we’re out of shipping wrap. Usually, I use a brown grocery sack as a shipping package.
If I get the one out tomorrow. My guess is it should arrive Friday. The rest should get there between Christmas and the New Year.


  1. The meal sounded good and I sure hope your hip feels better soon.

  2. Yeah, I know what you mean about cooking for two

  3. Hope your hip is fine now...

  4. Lasagna is great, but yeah, you'd have to eat off one for days for just the two of you.

  5. I haven't had lasagna in years, the frozen kind from the stores is terrible and making a small one myself just for me is too much trouble.
    I know a few people with weird conspiracy ideas, I try to avoid them.

  6. ...every Christmas we have lasagna! ☃️ 🎄 ❄️ 🎅🏼

  7. Christmas is almost here! Sorry about the hip

  8. You know what can happen to women when armed forces invade? I think a plentiful supply of hot water might be a good idea.

  9. That poor woman! How does one ever come to believe such ideas? It is scary in a way.

  10. That's crazy. Billions have been born in hospitals and they are not blind. Some people get caught up in the craziest internet groups.

  11. My hip has been very painful too. I find stretching helps & taking ibuprofen before bed helps me sleep.


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Today Is Monday, October 21, 2024: This Is What Happened.

I went to the senior center for lunch. They had bean soup, which I like a lot. I did a few small things around the place. I got a few more i...