Friday, December 15, 2023

Today Is Friday, December 15, 2023: This Is What Happenen


I don't know why I couldn't load up my photos with my Kodak camera. Maybe I'm having a day of senility. So, I ended up using my smartphone.

The last time I visited Art Insight, our journal page was about giving. I received...Beauty Is In You; Prays Work, Just Ask and Look At Life Different. I put them on the corner of the page.

One of the blogs I stop by is DV art. The link will be below. She hosted "Weird Art" the other day on YouTube. I watched a video by BLIND DWELLER. One of the last video I watched on LAURIE LIPTON. No doubt that her work could be classified as "weird," but watch her video. I also found her art "powerful."

Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. Tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich. The soup was excellent. But the sandwich wasn't all that great.

I do like grilled cheese with tomato soup. Plus, today was a food giveaway. We got about $30 worth of food. It helps.

Some church groups with kids came and sang Christmas carols. Some Christmas Carols, I tear up.

Statement time...It pisses me off that some people want to discuss politics there. One general doesn't change one mind when it comes to religion and politics.

If I brought up my politics and or religion around here. I'd probably get run out with pitchforks and things like that.

I don't get things done like I want to. Haven't yet had a chance to look for my ornaments. Today, Hubby got his RSV shot. So we're all done with our vaccine. How many in my area, Idaho, that is? Got any of their vaccine. Plenty of people here and their nutty conspiracy theories.

The world doesn't feel good.

I participated in GILLENAWEIRD ARTFRIDAY FACE OFF, and I would like to link to LAURIE LIPTON SIGHT.


  1. Weird art can be good.

  2. I like the photos of the art you made. Poor ill little world! If only we could make everything feel better!

  3. I love all of this weird art. OMGosh Laurie Lipton is amazing. She is my new favorite artist. Thank you for the introduction. Glad you got your vaccines and some food. We don't have that here. We have a food share but so many people go there that it is difficult to get in. Ohhh yes grilled cheese and tomato soup is one of my faves. Sorry the sandwich wasn't all that good. Thank you for joining FFO and have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Tomato soup and grilled cheese are a nice combination.

  5. I like all the weird pictures today, but the best is the last drawing where the world isn't feeling well.

  6. I really like the black and white art-photos you show. And you're right: "The world doesn't feel good." I still try to enjoy my life as much as I can and see the beautiful things. Discussing politics usually creates a rather unpleasant atmosphere...
    All the best and have a nice Advent season,

  7. That art is pretty interesting. I'm glad you liked the soup but it's hard to mess up a grilled cheese sandwich but they figured it out.

  8. I like the weird art, and the amazing detail.

  9. Creative 'world' art ~ very expressive ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. You seem to find best art!

  11. It's almost Christmas. You better find those lights and ornaments.

  12. Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich are a nice combination, shame the sandwich wasn't better though.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Wednesday, January 8, 2024: This Is What Happened.

For the last couple of days, I've been trying to get a post up, but there have been roadblocks all over the place, although nothing bad....