Friday, December 08, 2023

Today Is Friday, December 8, 2023: This Is What Happened.

Got all the bills paid for December. Still, we will have Murphy's teeth cleaned by Christmas. We ended up putting out a little more than usual. But I'm glad we had money to cover them.

Lately, my anxiety has been more on the higher side. Been using my tools to bring it down. There are times I am not able to bring myself to the level I like. But any amount of feeling less anxious is a good thing.

I hear rain and snow. It is going to another round here. Then, after this weekend, it will warm back up.

Went into town a little earlier so we could run some errands. Before, we had lunch at the senior center. They had a Potato bar. So tonight, I'm going to reheat some chili and have a little watermelon. I don't eat after 6:15. Around then. I will have a piece of chocolate. Last time, I was under the sun. I got Seattle Chocolate and peanut butter crisp.

Took part in SKY WATCH FRIDAY. I took these photos this morning from my front steps. And I'm linking up with FRIDAY FACE OFF.


  1. The potato bar sounds good. I hope the weather isn't too messy this weekend.

  2. The atmosphere outside looks heavy with mist.

  3. Have you ever looked into Bach flower remedies? They don't do away with anxiety, but they can chill you out just a bit. I find it helps me when I get freaked out for no reason.

  4. I was wondering too if you have tried any herbals for your anxiety. Even a cup of Camomile tea will calm things down. Oh Seattle chocolate and peanut butter crisp, I'm in. Thank you for sharing your face art with FFO and have a very nice weekend.

  5. I have never heard of a potto bar. It sounds interesting.

  6. Your photos look like the covers of a ghost story novel.

  7. Glad you can get Murphy's teeth cleaned.

  8. Winter skyscapes have a different charm altogether.

  9. Have a great weekend,

  10. Gorgeous pictures. Just looking at them my anxiety lowered. I find getting out in nature is so soothing to me. Even when it is cold out I still feel better.

  11. Your photos are beautiful Dora. Is that where you live? It's so lovely. And you earth with the thermometer says a lot. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Do you have snow yet? hugs-Erika

  12. Follow the British mantra: Keep calm and carry on.

  13. Lovely series of nature photos ~ thanks, ~ Hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. I've not heard of a potato bar. Moody photos.

  15. You have a beautiful view from your front steps. Our senior center occasionally has a potato bar. I'm not a great fan of their food but maybe I should try them the next time they have one. Alana

  16. Baked potato bars are really delicious and fun.

  17. Poor world, feeling so ill just because of us.

  18. I liked your photographs here, quite moody and atmospheric.

    All the best Jan

  19. The pictures are lovely but too cold and damp for my old bones

  20. We love the snow, and also had a quick dump this past Saturday but all gone the next day! Rather unexpected, and now crisp and cold but perfect days, Your potato bar must have been awesome
    I visited you via Skywatch Friday - 7 December 2023 Edition
    I linked up this week with = 33. This is a personal invite to come and join us at #WordlessWednesday #Photography Wednesday - Saturday.

  21. You got some moody photos here. Thanks for linking up with SWF.


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Today Is Sunday, October 20, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  I'm unsure how I feel or what my opinion is on my college turtle. I will set on. I doubt it. I will make any changes. I guess I can sa...