Friday, December 01, 2023

Today Is Friday, December 1, 2023: This Is What Happened.


It feels like Saturday. Over the date line, it’s Saturday. Almost 2024! This morning, I measured snow, 1½ inches, or those who use metric, 3.81. Plus, the trash is in the garage/shed and placed in cans. We have one more can to fill and then off to the dump. It will be sometime this month.

Did a load of laundry and some general pick-up. 

My health insurance is taken care of. I didn’t like what I heard. It’s what it is. Well, our income is too low to apply for YOUR HEALTH IDAHO. So it is on to MEDICAID. Which I’m not keen on. I am not sure if all state Medicaid is like Idaho. But Idaho can attach to any estate you might have once we are gone. Generally speaking, Idaho squaw on any federal program. The state didn’t want to participate in the “Affordable Care Act,” so they were forced to develop something. Plus, their site for your health in Idaho isn’t user-friendly. I’m so glad I only have 1 year, 2 months, and 11 days. I will be on Medicare. 

Murphy and I went to the senior center for lunch. They serve turkey and rice soup. It was delicious. Plus applesauce and a green salad. I had blue cheese dressing on mine.

Tuesday and Wednesday, they have a food giveaway. A little later on, I will have an orange I got from them.

Don’t recall when I started this mosaic page in my art journal. I am pleased with how it came out. For some reason, I like this photo of my grand Uncle, Archie. He is my grandfather’s brother on my mom’s side. I never meant him. He died before I was born. Plus, the only I know about him is that he farmed, had a family, and served in WWI as a machinist in the Navy.

Got the first part of my Christmas decoration up. I’m going to hang the Christmas cards on the lighted wire.

Today, I’m taking part in FACE OFF and ART FOR FUN FRIDAY

Coffee is on.


  1. ...I have been retired for 6 years and every day feel like Saturday.

  2. For profit healthcare has ruined our healthcare system.

  3. Medicaid is run by the states so each might be different and they can mess it up however they like, sadly.

  4. That mosaic page is amazing. I really like it. I'm not sure what the insurance is here in New Hampshire as I am not quite there yet. But I agree with Liz that for-profit healthcare has ruined healthcare. Happy December. hugs-Erika

  5. Id has always had bad health care. I had to move to Spokane to get some of the best medical I have ever had. Yes, every state attaches what ever you own to medicade. When my mom passed medicade tried to say we owed over $12,000.00. I told them they were wrong and I wanted all the paper work. My mom was on medicade less than a year and she kept a record of her doctors appt. They dropped all but a few hundred bucks. So keep tract. I really like your mosaic. Uncle Archie looks like he is on a mission. Thank you for joining FFO and have a very nice weekend.

    1. Sounds to me like medicaid should be avoided at all costs, what a rip off!

  6. Oh, I like your mosaic page -- bright, cheerful, kind of rainbow effect! And that IS a great photo of your Grand-Uncle. For an historical photo, it's very dynamic and full of vibrancy!

  7. Good for you for getting something sorted for your coverage for now.

  8. The mosaic page is very nice, your Uncle Archie looks like a nice man.

  9. Medicaid is run by each state, so the rules are different in every state. However, federal law requires each state’s Medicaid program to seek repayment of long term care costs, and may allow a state to recovery all medical costs for recipients over age 55. But federal precludes Medicaid from seeking repayment from a deceased recipient during the lifetime of a surviving spouse. So you do have some protection, your husband will not be made homeless.

  10. I never really know what day it is. I do know Friday as I have my granddaughter and of course the weekend but then it gets a bit fuzzy
    It doesn’t really matter I don’t have anywhere I need to be most days

  11. KS doesn't have medicaid. I like your idea for hanging your Christmas cards.

  12. In retirement weekend days and holidays are just ordinary.
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


  13. Medicaid estate recovery is a federal mandate, and only Congress can fix that injustice. Nearly 30 years ago there was article published that described it as "Picking the Bones of the Dead." Write your congress people with the pain that it imposes on families. For many families it takes away the only leg up that the next generation has for financial security.

  14. Handsome grand uncle. Glad you sorted out the medicaid.

  15. You have a crazy health sytem over there in the US. And for us in the middle of Europe is hard to understand. Wish you a good time and a fine december - thanks for visiting my post.
    All the best

  16. That seniors’s center serves great meals!

  17. Lovely mosaic creation ~ Happy Weekend ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. Having to deal with insurance and medical stuff is just a pain in the butt.

  19. I believe Medicaid recovery is a federal mandate. I have a disabled brother in law and he's been on Medicaid for years, but I am also aware the program differs from state to state. New York is tax heavy but, in some ways, you get what you pay for. Alana

  20. Love your mosaic art. xx


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...