Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Today Is Wednesday, November 1, 2023: This Is What Happened.


Next three days, is what I call light blogging. I been going though the photos on my lap-top. And went picked up after plumb project. Still need to sweep.

Had Coffee with Quenella and stop in at library and order a book, though inter-library program.

In the afternoon. I went my water color class. I learn a new technique of holding my pencil more flat. Than straight up and down. Had more control of my pencil. Plus I'm taking part in art every day in November. DAY ONE

Today Is Wednesday, and it wordless Wednesday.


Coffee is on


  1. ...I tried water colors once, it was a disaster.

  2. I like those birds, they're very pretty!

  3. I like the birds.

  4. The birds are pretty.

  5. I started art classes last year. It’s been so much fun
    My art teacher in high school told me I couldn’t paint at all.
    This teacher has helped me prove him wrong.
    Good on you for giving it a go. Looks great

  6. Very nice 🤗🐦🪹🥰 Happy WW

  7. Well done. I love you artwork.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous day and rest of the week. ♥

  8. Your birds are wonderful -- they have such a happy feel to them. Must be a good art class. I love that you are doing art everyday!


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Today Is Friday, October 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Yesterday, Murphy and I went down to Post Falls to visit his sister Faith. She will be having back surgery sometime next week. I am not ...