Sunday, November 26, 2023

Today Is Sunday, November 26, 2023: This Is What Happened.

Quite Sunday. Most of my days are quiet. I recall a time when I thought a calm day was boring. Just went through a box of loose playing cards. Most of them were short a card or so. So, the majority of playing cards end up in the trash. I saved some to use creatively.

Made a list in my bullet journal of creative things and chores. Not all will get completed. But last week, I did manage to achieve these goals

  1. Found my Christmas cards.

  2. Clean the ladder and get it up. Didn’t do this by myself.

  3. The roof is fixed.

  4. Clean off the coffee table.

Now for this week's chores. I doubt that I will complete the first three. But I can put time into going forward. There is a good chance of achieving four through seven.

  1. After 15 minutes of cleaning time in one bedroom, I tossed my creative supplies in. 

  2. 15 minutes of cleaning in the garage.

  3. 15 minutes of general cleaning.

  4. Photo of my Great Uncle Archie. Which I will use in a mosaic piece I have been working on.

  5. Keep on Idaho Health.

  6. Ship Advent Calendar.

  7. Christmas /Card/ Tree/ Photo

Then, of course, there is my creative side. Here is a list of that.

  1. Work on a book I made in my “Art Insight Group.” I can see completing 2 on this list, like A.T.C Cards and writing a letter to a pen pal. I can get a stab at the other five.

  2. Spiritual book.

  3. A.T.C Cards.

  4. Write a letter to a pen pal.

  5. Finish this book.

  6. Quilt.

  7. Embroidery.

I will be calling the Idaho Start Recovery Department. To see exactly what property they can attach when joining the Medicaid program.

I heard the state doesn’t attach anything untell one moves into a nursing facility. But I need to make sure. I don’t like the possibility of the state being in charge of my estate. I know there is a strong chance that I will end up on Medicaid. But I don’t want to do it this soon in my life.

I don't know what else I will do tomorrow.

Did a load of laundry today. Made the bed and moved some firewood.

Coffee is on.


  1. ...this is the time of year to fix the roof!

  2. Sounds quite a productive day :)
    Have a good week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  3. Productive really is good but so are quiet days!

  4. It is goid to keep busy. Other than grocery shopping, we had a real lazy day.

  5. There's always a chore list, isn't there! But at least you have some fun creative things on your personal list too!

  6. Chore lists increase one's productivity which is why I don't make them unless desperate

  7. I don't bother with a chore list anymore, my place is so small, only one bedroom and a bath/laundry combination plus a tiny kitchen. Start in living room, then kitchen which only takes about a minute, then make the bed and wipe out the bathroom. Done in less than a morning. It's easier because I am the only one here and don't make a mess except when cooking.

  8. Dear Dora, it's good that you didn't throw away all the game cards. You can create wonderful things with them. Look here:
    Or here:
    When I was a child, I loved playing with cards - I always married the queens to the boys, I thought the kings were too old and ugly ;-DD
    All the best and a happy new week, Traude

  9. Best ask the questions on Medicaid at the state level, the answers vary from state to state.

  10. There are always 1000 things one could be doing. It looks like you keep busy. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...