Friday, November 17, 2023

Today Is Friday, November 17, 2023: This Is What Happened.


Let’s start out with a Confession time... I’m horrible at doing invites. My sister-in-law is having Thanksgiving dinner Next Thursday down in Post Falls.

Want to include Bart’s in-laws. How does one who is not hosting extend an invite? This is somewhat stressful.

I hope they all can come.

Yesterday, I took Regis to Sandpoint. We went to the library, and both picked up DVDs. Then we stopped in a little cafĂ© and had pie. Regis had pumpkin with whip topping. For me, I had a heated piece of Rhubarb pie. Then, we headed over to the toy store in Cedar Street Mall. Regis did get something. I call the store a rich Grandma store. Kids’ clothes, well, some of them. It is in the $50 plus range.

Then we went to the Good Will. I found a tarot deck. Which is based on Jane Austen. And I found a flower-press. Open it, and looks like it has been barely used. I remember pressing flowers when I was younger.

After the Good Will. We notice an antique store on the street corner. Decided to take a look through it. Both of us came out empty-handed.

The last stop was Walmart. For me, it was practical items. Spend around $30.

My anxiety has been up a bit today. One is over “Your Idaho Health.” It is a royal pain in a donkey. I will apply for Medicaid. I guess one can’t argue with city hall.

I found out Bart and one of his daughters is showing up for Thanksgiving. His wife and his other daughter aren’t coming. It bothers me that they are not coming along. Their oldest daughter, my oldest granddaughter, is on the Autism spectrum or neurodivergent. I know loud noise and crowds can be overwhelming for her, Claudia.

I know what it feels like to be excluded. It bothers me when someone is excluded or shunned. I know there is nothing I can do. Plus, I’m only guessing.

Murphy and I went to the senior center. They serve their Thanksgiving dinner. Pie and all.


Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. ...I hope that you will have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. That is a tricky problem and I think you should ask your sister in law first to find out how she feels.

    1. My sister in law. Got hold of my son or her Nephew.

  3. Is that skipping rope tooth art by you? So cute!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. A flower press sounds interesting

  6. Jane Austen themed cards, how fun!

  7. It's sad about Claudia but if crowds and noise bother her it is better if she doesn't come. She won't feel excluded.

  8. Fun art that you made. Happy Thanksgiving, don't worry, enjoy! Hugs, Valerie

  9. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have a book with Tarot cards that you color yourself. I am using markers and colored pencils.

  10. Lovely capture for Skywatch!

  11. Pumpkin pie is most definitely not my fave, but I tend to have one small piece with whipped cream at TG, just to be in the TG spirit, I guess.

  12. Goodwill can be a bonanza for fun things, can't it? And when kids toys are over $50, then something is wrong. Of course there will always be expensive things, but there should be inexpensive things too. For all kids. I'm a day late but yesterday was nice for raking and today it's raining so I waited to catch up then. Have a great weekend and thanksgiving. hugs-Erika

  13. I left a comment for you yesterday but it didn't show up. I sure miss ID. I didn't know that walmart is now in Sandpoint. I have been away a long time LOL. You had a big day shopping and some great finds. I hope the TG dinner goes well. Thank you for joining FFO and have a very nice weekend.

  14. Great finds at the Goodwill store and lovely post and photos ~ Love your self and ignore people's behavior or just stay away from them ~ you never know what is happening in their life is how I try look at ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. I have an autistic brother in law. He lives in supported housing after living his first almost 60 years with his mother (now deceased). His mother always took him to social events, and I know some of them must have been really painful for him with his sensory issues. Now, we give him the choice of going or not and he has the capacity, fortunately, to make that choice. I can feel for both Carla and her immediate family. It's a hard thing. Alana

  16. Holidays are not the heartwarming experiences they show us in those cheesy movies. They’re hard work, anxiety producing melodramas.
    Keep it simple I say. I now have Christmas with just my children and grandchildren. All the extended family can deal with their own issues and leave me out of it

  17. I can understand your concerns about excluding your eldest granddaughter. I trust her parents know what would be best for her.

  18. Thank you friend. Aloha

  19. WIshing everyone a peaceful holiday

  20. I scrolled back to look at the tooth. What a hoot! So glad you found Tarot cards and a flower press and some DVD's. Happy Thanksgiving.

  21. I think I need Jane Austen Tarot cards. (I actually found a steampunk deck. I gifted it to someone.)


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Today Is Tuesday, March 11, 2025: This Is What Happened

  .The other day, I was at our local library. Taking care of some so called financial. I might as well tell everyone in blogger land. Murph...