Friday, November 10, 2023

Today Is Friday, November 10, 2023: This Is What Happened.


Woke up to snow, wet snow that is. Not even a inch. (2.54)

Thought Larch is an interesting tree. How it looks sort of like an fir tree. Although it leaves change to beautiful color of gold. And in the fall the leaves will fall to the ground, and blanket the ground in their needles. Nice setting among pines and firs around here. It also great firewood to burn.

Cloud here is mixture. I understand storm will be coming though. Mostly rain. Just not ready for snow. Although I don't have the power to stop it.

Add a banana to my pancake mix. Murphy microwave slice of ham.

Went to the dump bins. I know not political correct. But one thing I can say I wasn't mentally in the mood to go there. But I seem to force myself into such a chore. It done and finished!

Going to work on firewood in basement, sometime today.

Sometime, not sure when I will show my journal I made in art insight class. It took me a while since I start on it. I was stump on what I want to fill it up with. It base on books I'm reading.

CHARLOTTE BROTHERS is cousin of mine, plus an Author. She wrote a serious called A YEAR IN CHERRY BROOK

In one of the books there was an character an “Mrs. Kent” and this is how I picture her.


and I will stop in at a few of my coffee drinkers.

Coffee is on.

Editor Note...Tried to remove chalk giraffe, more I tried I end up with double print. But it lovely giraffe.


  1. ...I love Larch!

  2. Snow? It’s too early for snow!

  3. Do you mash up the banana before putting it in the pancake mix?

  4. I wouldn't be ready for snow! Good thing we seldom have any here at the coast and if we do it only lasts for a few hours.

  5. You solved a mystery. We have a conifer where I live in New York State that turns a golden color in fall and loses its needles. Thanks to your discussion I think I've identified it as an Eastern Larch. We saw what we think is a stand of them on a drive today. Alana

  6. Larch’s are among the last trees to change here in the fall. So pretty now!

  7. A lovely post today. I'm m used to wet snow where I live. Time to put the coffee on.

  8. Serene nature post today ~ enjoy your coffee ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. We're never ready for snow here and I don't like going to the dump either!

  10. What a great idea to draw characters from books you're reading!

  11. SNOW?!?!?!?!? My it is still fairly mild and warmish here. And if you like pancakes, trying making gingerbread pancakes sometimes, with warm syrup and confectioner sugar. YUM!!!!

  12. Is it time for snow already?

  13. I love the giraffe! I am surprised you ahve snow already, it seems too soon. Good idea to get started on the firewood. The Larch is a lovely colour.
    PS, you are using "an" when "a" should be used. "an" comes before a word which begins with a vowel.
    Please tell me if you don't like me saying this.

  14. *have* not 'ahve' :(

  15. Snow, eek! For once blogger did a great job! Better two giraffes as none, she´s cute!!!

  16. Hoping our first snow, is in 2025.

  17. Larch trees are unique.

  18. The giraffe is so cute. We had our first snow on Halloween. It is gone but it was a sign of what is to come. I have made banana cakes with just 2 ingredients. Banana & eggs. They are surprisingly good too.

  19. As soon as I can sit up without pain I will be back. Thank you for joining FFO and have a nice weekend.

  20. Booo on the snow, hope it melts quickly. Too early for snow, way too early. I'm already counting down til Spring. Pancakes look yummy, can I come for breakfast in my jammies, lol.
    Sandy's Space

  21. I like how your mind thinks. You read books. Then draw what you think the characters look like. You go girl!

  22. Keep warm and do some fun things! Hugs!

  23. Larch and giraffe both great. Sidewalk artist is pretty good

  24. I call it the dump too, even though it isn't really a dump. And we had a bit of snow too, a little over an inch that took a day to melt. Even though it isn't really cold yet, winter is on his way. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs-Erika

  25. Cute giraffe!
    Yummy pancake 😋


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Today Is Friday, October 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  Yesterday, Murphy and I went down to Post Falls to visit his sister Faith. She will be having back surgery sometime next week. I am not ...