Friday, October 27, 2023

Today Is Thursday October 26, 2023: This Is What Happened.


No, I didn't get an new laptop. I went to our local library and they have an lady who helps people with there computer and such. Such a wonderful service.

I'm typing this out, on the 26th. But will be posting it on the 27th.

Not going back for entire month. But just give everyone quick run down.

Had a lovely time in San Francisco. Best part was watching the grand girls playing in the Pacific.

I mange to see the moma, MUSEUM OF MODERN ART. It first time I seen an major art museum. It was amazing and I will try to share more photos of my trip, coming up.

The bay area is quite expensive. Parking can be $15 and hour. No way we could afford to live there. My sister in law Faith has an place in Marin county. So we stayed there. Plus nothing out for hotel or eating out.

Our community been making artist trading cards. A person takes in three cards and get three cards back.

I haven't made any for last little bit. Hopefully in next few days I will get going on them. Today I send out two happy mail, and an artist trading cards in the envelopes.

Been slowly and study working on the one bedroom. I can see a little day light in it. Been taking things to the thrift store. Plus the lady who leads our insight art glass. Said she could use some supplies. She now in Cuba singing in our local choir. They're doing an concert there. So when she get back I will bring in art supplies. Mostly what I will be given is paper. All types and size.

Now it Friday October 27, 2023.

I was on my lap top way to late, yesterday. No need for one to live on techie things. Need to get back to my personal bounds when comes to techie. No start up before 8 in morning, and it needs to be shut down by 8 in evening.

Over on you tube I was watching video on journal/diaries. I didn't do have journal when I was younger. I consider my blog more of journal or such. The main reason I didn't keep journal was mainly for self protection. The key word word would be survival. But I did get some ideal to use in my blog.

Today hubby and I are going to senior center. There having pork chops. Dinner we will have a lighter meal. Stop by the store afterwards.

Got plenty of blogging reading to do. I did check in with my phone. But I have to say it easier to blog from my laptop.

Coffee is on and stay safe.


  1. I’m glad you enjoyed San Francisco. I’ve never been. But as a New Yorker I have access to many art museums, and yes, it’s a wonderful experience to see the works up close and personal.

  2. I've only been in the San Francisco airport (changing planes) so I never did get to see the city. Enjoyed the picture of your grands in the Pacific. Alana

  3. How exciting to have gone to San Francisco! Glad you went to MOMA -- I bet you saw some amazing art!

  4. San Francisco must have been good fun. Look forward to hearing some more.

  5. Great service at that library for sure! Welcome back!

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful time in San Francisco. I love the ocean. It has been quite some time since I have seen it. Still nervous about travel I guess. Great news about the laptop. Beats the phone. We are also clearing clutter. It is amazing how stuff just seem to multiple over the years.

  7. I'm glad you had a fun time in San Francisco. Pork Chops, yum, I'll bet they were good.

  8. Things seem to be going well for you now.

  9. I don't know why I always think San Francisco is on the East coast, and have to look it up every time. I limit my laptop time too, Monday to Friday I usually don't turn on until mid afternoon and always turn off by 7.30. Sometimes I can't sleep at night though so I get up and read blogs in the early hours after midnight. Weekends I spend longer with blogs and looking around real estate sites.

  10. It’s been a while since I visited.
    Your on holidays and the water looks great

  11. So glad your laptop is fixed and that you had a great time in California.

  12. Glad to see you going hale and hearty.

  13. Glad to hear you are back.

  14. I went to SF a few times when I lived down in the Napa valley. It was always exciting and exotic, seemed like to me. We often, way back then, didn't bother driving in, left our car on the other side, and took BART over. I love the bay bridge and the park down around the SF side. It's probably all different now.

  15. That is a great photograph of your grands playing in the Pacific.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Wednesday, October 16, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  My first autumn painting is in my art journal. I went to a water class at the senior center. The girl reminds me of SUE BONNET SUE . All ...