Saturday, October 28, 2023

Today Is Saturday October 28, 2023: This Is What Happened.


Before I really get into this post. I will post three photos of moon, from three different camera. Not going into much about each of cameras. Well first photo from phone, than Lumix and Kodak.

We got back up kitchen sink. Although it better. So far 2 container up liquid un-plug the sink been dump down. Than hubby and I went down stairs and took off the main drain plug off pipe. Got some gunk out of the pipe. It helped.

Now we hoping the chemical we poured down kitchen sink will start kicking in. If it doesn't go. Look like possible Monday we will call plumber. We been eating mainly prepared food. So we can keep the dishes down. Thankful hot pockets our on sale, less than $2.00 a box.

We're poor! I looked up what is considered poor in the United States for two people. Anything under $17,420 By the calculation we are at 80% of poverty level. I'm not sure which term I like best...Poor, poverty, low income, distressed, indigent, wanting, in-dire circumstance, or any other term use for describing people of non wealth. To me these term I come picture of shabbiness. I am not shabby.

There some safety net we qualify for. But not that many. The main issue for us we have to much resource. Most program one needs under $5,000 in resource. The home ones lives in doesn't count. We have over that in resources.

There people who put there cash under the mattress. I can understand why.

Hubby is on Medicare and I'm not old enough. They take out $150 out of his check for his Medicare. If we didn't have to pay the Medicare , premiums we would have extra $1,800 a year.

But for us not pay Medicare premiums our resource limit would under $13,000. That is last figure I heard.

We do get help with property tax, energy assistants. The energy assistant covers 4 to 6 months of energy for us. I understand since we can get energy assistants we can get help with our WI-FI bills. And for my medical insurance I get help though Idaho health. It Idaho version of Affordable Care Act. Or some like call Obama care. It helps us. Or I would be with out health insurance. Health insurance would start at $800. Depending on the deduction.

I guess what bothers me about being poor.

A basic emergency that you can't handle because lack of income.

Not being able to take part or go to event. Event above $20 is something I have to think over.

But it get to me, when people think poor people aren't happy. Sure I have my off days, like anyone else. But in general I am happy.

Woke up 19 (7.2).

Coffee is on.


  1. There are some very wealthy people who aren’t happy and will never be happy. You can’t buy happiness.

  2. ...tonight is the full moon, last night it was very bright.

  3. 'Songbird' s comment is true you can't buy happiness it comes from within.
    I like your second photograph best.

    All the best Jan

  4. The moon photos are cool. Hey, just because you don't have money doesn't mean you are poor. You are rich in other ways.

  5. Happiness doesn’t depend on wealth like you said.

  6. Glad you are happy, that is important.

  7. Hari OM
    Love your moonshots... and as one who is also 'below the bread line' I couldn't agree more that it makes little difference to happiness levels; though does occasionally impinge on stress levels as you say, if a major cost comes along. Hope that sink issue clears soon! YAM xx

  8. The asset limits on benefits programs are decades out of date. Congress has no idea how silly they are.

  9. Interesting photos. I suppose the second is the best, but the first has a certain atmosphere.

  10. I like the moon photo. Poor doesn't mean shabby. I don't know why anyone would say something so cruel. The happiest people are those who have good family/friends along with good health.

  11. Beauty of the moon photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. I hope your sink clears without having to call the plumber. That's always such a pain.

  13. The photos are really lovely. Especially the middle one.
    Our sink blocked but luckily my son in law is a plumber so he came and fixed it for me. Such a sweetie.
    I definitely don’t think having money, or lack of, is an indication of how happy people are.
    I’m not rich. Although we have paid our home off. So that leaves us in a better situation as someone still paying a mortgage. We are happy. I grow lots of food for us to supplies groceries and between my friends we had down clothes for our grandchildren and share any expenses when going out. So not one person is always driving or paying for parking. We have to save to these days, or for large purchases and live to a budget
    But I know we are lucky in lots of ways and concentrate on our blessings not our troubles, and that is how you stay happy

  14. Sorry I'm late visiting. It's been a very busy weekend. I love your full moon shots. The fuzzy one even looks a bit spooky-perfect for the season. I hope you had a great weekend. hugs-Erika


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Today Is Wednesday, October 16, 2024: This Is What Happened.

  My first autumn painting is in my art journal. I went to a water class at the senior center. The girl reminds me of SUE BONNET SUE . All ...