Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Today Is Wednesday, September 13, 2023: This Is What Happened.


I should get right to the news of my retirement amount. Looks like it will be $463 a month. Over the phone, the lady from Social Security read my work history amount from 1981 on. It was low amounts throughout my work years.
I become teary-eyed depressed, and feel like I failed. I didn't make more money.
The highest wage I made was over $16 an hour. It is not right what is paid people who take care of others, mainly the vulnerable.
But it is what it is.

If I understand, I get an extra $35 off my husband's social security for being married for a long time.

At this time, there are a few things I can do to help us along. I lowered my mobile phone down to $35 a month. I have an internet phone, which costs us $43 a year. Which I consider my landline. I know I get some taken off of the internet bill. In most other safety net programs, we have too many personal resources. As in bank accounts, stocks, bonds, and IRA (Individual Retirement Account)
Some might suggest we spend our resources down. That is fine. But if the government thinks one spends resources deliberately to get help for a safety net program. You could possibly be charged with fraud.

I managed to get in a walk this morning. For a week, my hip seemed to be seizing up. Yesterday, I got another roll done in the quilt I'm working on.
I went to my art group class down at our local fairground. It was a lovely day, with blue skies. A squirrel was up in a tree, and he/she knocked some tree bark on my art.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. And they want to cut Social Security benefits …you work hard all your life, you pay into the system, you deserve a decent retirement…

    1. In my thought we should have a basic income.

  2. $16 per hour sounds like a decent amount, but when you only work a few hours a week it doesn't amount to much. I'm sorry your social security will be so low. Will you and hubby be alright on such limited income?

    1. We have no choice. But I been applying for social safety net program that we qualify for at this time. My husband has his social security of $800 month, so our house hold $1263 a month. Thank you for asking if we will be ok. Yes we will.

  3. Your social security system sounds as confusing as complicated as ours. Make sure you receive what you are entitled to.

  4. I am sorry that you won't be getting more money for your retirement, it's really not much. All the best for you, hugs, Valerie

  5. I hope you will be able to take advantage of the safety net programs!

  6. Seeing your reply to River, I am pleased you will be okay.

    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  7. You have not failed. You did your best. One way my husband & I saved money was getting Trac phones. $60 a year per phone. We also cut cable & got Roku. No more monthly bill. You & husband will be okay. You are very resourceful.

  8. I totally agree that a Guaranteed Annual Income is needed. Replace all other programs, send it to everyone, claw it back on income tax from those who don't need it. It has been proven to work everywhere it is tried.


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Today Is Wednesday, September 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

It was a regular day. I went through a box in the back bedroom. I ended up with a small sack of items to go to the thrift store, but I'm...