Friday, September 15, 2023

Today Is Friday, September 15, 2023: This Is What Happened.

Took a short walk this morning to the end of the road.

Yesterday, I went down to Sandpoint. I took Regis with me. We both had DVDs to take back. I picked up three movies. They're The Big Picture, Word Play, and Art in the twenty-first century, number 9.

Then we went over to Good Will, and guess what! I got myself two jeans. Jeans are hard for me to find that fit me, mainly around the hips.

And a fun pair of pants.

The last place in Sandpoint we went to was Walmart. Nothing is exciting there. If memory serves me right, I only spent around $23.00

We went up to the three-mile cafe to have a piece of pie. Regis had coconut cream, and I had peach. Both of us agree the pastry was a bit too sweet.

Just want to bang my head against a brick hall. I have loaded photos from the camera(s) to my laptop. Not one photo today; I couldn't get the images onto my laptop. I had planned to show my fun pants I bought.

Over at our local art gallery in Bonners Ferry, TEA SCARLET is putting on a local "ARTIST TRADING CARDS." I have done some in the past. But it has been a while since I've done any cards.

Murphy and I need to go into town. Our first stop will be our local farmer's market. Someone will be at the market with a petition. To get rid of the close primary in Idaho. I have remarked that I only get votes up or down in Idaho, the Republican party, like the old Communist party in Russia. We have some terrifying nut cases here.

After that, I will drop off my A.T.C. (Artist Trading Cards) and then go to the food stores; we don't need that much.

For the home project, we put the last part of the door sweep, the kitchen door, on the inside. Wash the outside kitchen window, and clean off some dead leaves of the wonder Jew plant.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. I am sorry you couldn't get photos onto your laptop. Do you know what the problem is?

  2. You have probably tried it, but switching both devices off and on again might fix the problem.

  3. Seems like a worthwhile day overall.

  4. Sorry about the photos. And I know what you mean about finding jeans that fit right. Have a great trip to California.

  5. You were busy for sure!

  6. Try reloading your photos ~ Sounds like a good day ~ glad you found some jeans that you like ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  7. Sorry about the photos. Well done on the jeans, they sound like a bargain! I think there are terrible nuts everywhere, but you certainly have a lot where you live. Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  8. You are busy as always

  9. So good that you were able to get new jeans.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  10. That was nice of you to take Regis along with you. The pie sounds really, really good!

  11. I hate it when technology fails. Yay on the new jeans.

  12. My wife has jeans problems too. Need to be three axe handles across and only two in length.


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Today Is Wednesday, September 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

It was a regular day. I went through a box in the back bedroom. I ended up with a small sack of items to go to the thrift store, but I'm...