Sunday, September 10, 2023

Today Is Sunday, September 10, 2023: This Is What Happened.


Went nowhere and made sure all legal papers were. I need it all lined up. If they weren't here. I would have to take a trip to town and get those papers out of the safety deposit box.

A Friendly bird, or maybe not so friendly, poop on the North side of the house. So we wash it off.

Since being on the latter bothers both Murphy and I. We're planning to hire the neighbor boy. To paint the four top boards of the house. The rest we can reach from the ground level.

Started putting the rows of throw quilt together. I didn't go out and buy special new fabric for this quilt. Got them from thrift stores, rummage, and yard sales. I'm unsure how I want to finish the second to last part. I know the last thing I will do to it is tie it.

I worry if I repeat or keep needling on the same subject. As many of you have heard, we're heading to the Bay Area, San Francisco. One of the places on our agenda is to visit the SF MONA. I have wondered about putting on an exhibit. Every little detail of it. From the meeting of the minds to the close of the show. The show's finale is the right word. But I understand. One of the EXHIBITs will be on cruising. I cruised back in my day. I hear now young people don't cruise.

Question time...If you could pick a theme for an art exhibit, what would it be? 

I have many. But for now, I will go with cleaning the home. I can imagine showing different styles of mops, brooms, sinks, etc.

New week coming up. I have seven projects, like washing the curtain above the kitchen sink. Murphy is taller, so he can get them down. As the curtains are off, we should clean the windows.

I'm sure we will get more done on the list, than one thing.

Coffee is on, and stay safe.


  1. ...ladders aren't my thing!

  2. Yeah, ladders are a bit intimidating

  3. Hari OM
    I am a bit envious of your SFMOMA trip... and that quilt is very pretty for all its randomness! I like your idea of using housework as a theme for exhibtion... it could be one of those performance things, set in the kitchen, showing the wash, rinse, repeat of life... YAM xx

  4. I like specially very much this photograph of that american cars. Is a very beautiful photograph. Have a nice day.

  5. Happy sewing! I've been meaning to make some new cloth napkins.

  6. Well, I have to use a ladder still but not so much gutter cleaning since the maple is gone. No more leaves coating the roof and filling the gutters.

  7. I spent my Sunday going grocery shopping and watching football. Not so exciting either. I hope you're having a good Monday. hugs-Erika

  8. I am happy that a young man comes once a week and does the housework here, he's really good! Valerie

  9. I love the mis of colour in your quilt.

  10. You quilt is looking great and it sounds like progress on the painting project.

  11. The quilt is looking very nice, can't wait to see it when it is finished. I need to wash some curtains too. But I don't want to be climbing on ladders to get them down and put them back up, so they will stay dusty.

  12. Art exhibit theme, tidbits, the odd bits and pieces we see along the way.

  13. Hope you had/have a happy trip.

  14. Enjoy your quilting. It looks very good so far.

  15. The quilt looks nice. This is an art I have never tried although I like looking at quilts at exhibitions. Alana


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Today Is Wednesday, September 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

It was a regular day. I went through a box in the back bedroom. I ended up with a small sack of items to go to the thrift store, but I'm...