Thursday, September 07, 2023

Today Is Thursday, September 7, 2023: This Is What Happened

Yesterday, September, I stopped in at ANDREW, and he posted FIVE QUESTION, which he got from HELS.

  1. Are you a native Australian? How many generations of your family were born there? I don't live in Australia. When I was younger, I wanted to migrate to Australia. 

    I live in America; most of my ancestors came from the Island of Great Britain. Ancestry dot com. Says I'm almost 40% Scottish. Most of them came over in the 1600's. I do have some that my mother's side came off in about. The last ancestor who came to the United States was my third great-grandfather, who arrived in the United States on September 12, 1846. My ancestors colonized the United States. As far as I know, none of my direct ancestors enslaved people. The other 5 break down England-Northwest Europe, Sweden-Denmark, Wales, Germanic Europe, and Norway. The author words a European mutt.

    2. If you could have dinner with one historical figure, who would it be and why? That is a hard one since I'm a history buff. Ana Mendieta. I think it would be best to read Goodreads book review on HER

    3. What would you consider your greatest accomplishment? I'm still accomplishing daily. I would be showing my horses when I was younger.

    4. What is your most treasured possession besides your loved ones? Life itself.

    5 Before blogging, what, if any, was your main mode of personal expression? I didn't have any way of self-expression when I was young. I never kept a diary. I was so afraid my dad would find my diary, and he would use it as evidence against me.

    Well, we finished up the first coat of primer. Both hubby and I are pleased. One more coat of primer to go on. And the second coat will go on easier. 

        Took a morning walk. I talked to the neighbor, Bovine. Mr Bovine. And his lady friend with the calves. This afternoon, I went to town. Drop off a sack of things for the thrift store. I looked for a few things, like a door, and saw them at the thrift store. 

Looking at the label maker. I also saw them at a thrift store. And the last thing I look for is corrugated flexible plastic. No luck!

Pick up my inter-library loan book from the local library. John Adams Papers, 1755 to 1733

Got a cookie from Under the Sun. Then, I went to therapy. On the way home, I stopped at the store and got a few things. 

Had ham sandwich for dinner.



I have been working on embroidery quilt block for about an hour each day a week. I don't know if you can see the progress I made this week.

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and won't be posting. Will be back on Saturday. 


  1. Your choice of a dinner companion is interesting. I've not heard of her but she does sound like someone who would be good to chat to.

    Well done on the painting front.

  2. The Oz crew is taking shape.

  3. Interesting answers to those questions

  4. Nice embroidery! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Lovely needlework ~ and busy day ~ fascinating answers to your questions ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Ok now I get the Oz thing, didn't before. I like your answer to most precious possession.

  7. Your roots are deep in the US.

  8. Your embroidery looks nice.

    All the best Jan

  9. Great answers to those questions.

  10. Yep, you're doing good on the Oz!

  11. Well, at least the painting is going.

  12. Well nowdays I think you have lots of ways to express yourself!

  13. We have a couple of things in common - I also wanted to immigrate to Australia when I was young, and I have no idea what even gave me that idea. And, I am also European in ancestry, but my ancestral families (both on mothers and fathers side) didn't arrive in this country until the early 20th century. Alana


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Today Is Wednesday, September 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

It was a regular day. I went through a box in the back bedroom. I ended up with a small sack of items to go to the thrift store, but I'm...