Saturday, September 09, 2023

Today Is Saturday, September 9, 2023: This Is What Happened.


It has been a while since I took part in Saturday Nine. Today's theme comes from CHEESE BURGER IN PARADISE. Unfamiliar with this week's tune? HERE IT IS.

1) In this song, Jimmy Buffett briefly attempts a healthier diet, which includes sunflower seeds, carrot juice, zucchini, and Bulgar wheat. Do you pay attention to your daily consumption of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, etc.? As I get older, I do watch I eat more. I keep track of the foods I read. As well as my exercise. Using MY F.AT SECRET. I like to keep my calorie count around 2,200; that way, I lose between half to a pound a week. Really not getting hungry. 

2) Jimmy sings that he'd like french fries with his burger. Do you prefer to dip your fries or drizzle the ketchup over them? I'm a dipper. Actually, I will ask for a side of Roquefort dressing.

3) Which cheese would make yours a cheeseburger in paradise: American, cheddar, Swiss, bleu, Muenster, or Monterrey Jack? No one can have too much on hamburgers. As for which cheese. I can't decide. I prefer a sharper cheese. I've never tried blue on a burger. But one thing I do like on my burger is mushrooms. 


4) Buffett fans call themselves Parrot heads. Concert attire for a well-dressed Parrot-head often includes a Hawaiian shirt and a foam fin hat. What will you be wearing tonight? What I am wearing is black jean shorts and a flower pullover top. I thought this might be an excellent place to put a link, PARROT AS AN SPIRIT ANIMAL


5) Jimmy is very busy for someone with such an easygoing and laid-back vibe. His business ventures include liquors, restaurants, and hotels. He's also published eight books. All this in addition to making music! How would you rate yourself this morning on a scale of 1 to 10 -- with 1 being lazy and 10 being highly motivated? 3.7. I have been pretty sore the last couple of days. Will explain later in my post.

6) Jimmy has some very famous fans. Paul McCartney asked him to play at one of his parties, and Barack Obama invited him to perform at a fundraiser. If you could invite anyone -- anyone at all! -- to play at your party, who would you ask? Fleetwood Mac. Stevie Nicks. 

7) Jimmy was born on Christmas Day. Does your birthday fall on a major holiday? If yes, do you mind "sharing" your special day? My birthday is the same day as Abraham Lincoln. My middle name comes from one of my maternal great-grandmothers, Ann. And she was born Lincoln last birthday. He was shot the following April. 

8} In 1978, the year this song was popular, the Susan B. Anthony Dollar was first minted. The initial design was not a hit with the public because vending machines could not accept it. What's the last thing you bought from a vending machine? I haven't used a vending machine this year. I hardly use them. 

9) Random question -- If today's your birthday, your zodiac sign is Virgo. When did you last check your horoscope? Since I have seen this question. I thought I would take a quick look and see what it says for AQUARIUS

Now, I want to extend my answer on number 5. If there is a slight chance that someone is going to be frustrated. My anxiety kicked into high gear. As some of you already know, we are painting the house with primer. My muscles got really tense and froze. Muscles wouldn't relax. So I drove to Cour d Alene to see my ear, nose, and throat doctor. Came straight back home. I drove it pretty well without a break. I stopped in Sandpoint and had Reuben Sandwich at Arbys. With Fries and a special sauce to dip it in. I'm curious if having tight muscles can cause damage to the joints. If I sit too long and be in the same position for any time, I seize up. Well, about every two hours, I walk around the house. It helps.

During Gunsmoke, I work on my embroidery project. I decided to get back on the quilt I started a while back. I cut a few sashing strips for the quilt. I wonder why they called it sashing. It would be easier to call it framing. As one can see, I press some fabrics.

I have been reading the letters of JOHN ADAMS, and he talks about growing flax, hemp, and Hyssop. I knew flax and hemp could be made into fabrics. But I didn't realize that Hyssop could be made into cloth. The little I read on Hyssop is made of material. It is a sturdy fabric.


  1. Yeah, Fleetwood Mac … I love Stevie Nicks.

  2. My Idaho brother really loves to watch Gunsmoke reruns. Provolone is one of my favorite cheeses, but I rarely eat cheese due to lactose digestion issues. The doctor told me I can still eat cheese but they just need to be older cheeses, because by then most of the lactose is destroyed by aging. That was a helpful tip from some doctor I had years ago. With my fries, I like malt vinegar. Got that habit a long time ago.

  3. Thanks for the Aquarius I don't have to check it for myself.

  4. Buffett certainly brought happiness to people. What a great way to be remembered!

  5. I see you have a gas stove.
    Don't you realize they cause Climate Disruption?
    Biden says we can't have gas stoves.
    No Malarkey..!!

  6. ...Cheeseburger in Paradise was also a restaurant in Lahaina that burned to the ground.

  7. Buffett is part of the soundtrack of my life.

  8. Buffett ~ a great man and entertainer ~ Muscles seizing up ~ I wonder how much exercise you get? Just a thought ~ Have you watched Live to 100 ~ The Blue Zone on Netflix ~ lots to think about in this documentary ~ Don't need to live to be a 100 but would like a healthy body until I die.

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. I went with Fleetwood Mac, too. I am having trouble with my back muscles seizing up. I suspect I don't move enough.

  10. I wonder what makes you seize up. I hope your painting goes well.

  11. I'm not a medical expert but I think it makes sense not to sit too long and to move around occasionally.

    All the best Jan


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Today Is Wednesday, September 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

It was a regular day. I went through a box in the back bedroom. I ended up with a small sack of items to go to the thrift store, but I'm...