Sunday, September 17, 2023

Today is Sunday, September 17, 2023: This Is What Happened.


The first thing I did this morning was get up and have coffee—yesterday's POST. Mention Murphy's cousin's land, regardless of how we feel about the land situation. Steve's cousin got land from his mom, and he sold it. To someone we don't know, which is all legal. We were curious about what was being done with the land, and that's all.

Now, it's time to move on. Put in my bullet journal. What do I plan or attempt to complete this upcoming week? Just one project a day. Some days, I might get more than one done. The first thing on my list is to wash the sliding glass door, and the last thing, or number 7, is to make a haul to the dump. That is if the garbage cans are entirely full. If the cans aren't full, it's on to my dresser.

I now start on my envelopes that will fit my thumb drives in. I tried labeling the thumb drives, but the labels kept falling up. This way, I can put a thumb drive in the envelopes and write on them what it is.

It took me three templates to get it to what I needed. So I ended up with seven. In the next few days, I will make up some more. I should get more.

I laid out my quilt, and I'm happy with the size. I will do the so-called backside as the front side. Well, the colors will be slightly different. I wasn't planning to have it color-coordinated.

I am still making progress with the embroidery.


  1. You are being very creative in retirement

  2. The quilt looks lovely, I'd like to see it when it is completely finished.
    I have many thumb drives with movies on them and I write the name of the first movie on a tiny label and stick it on then cover that with sticky tape to keep it from getting smudged and to be sure it stays on. Each thumb drive holds several movies. I have a few empty ones where I put photos on and take them to the local photo shop to get printed because my printer isn't working properly anymore and I am not buying another one. The ink cartridges are way too expensive now.

  3. The needle work will keep you busy through the cooler months.

  4. You are a busy retired person. Don't forget some chill time where you do nothing.

  5. You got more done than I did, that's certain. Hugs, Valerie

  6. You can buy a multi Terabyte portable HD for not much money. I back up my laptop onto it and also store my movies, music and photos. Having two is even better as one might fail.
    Your quilt is lovely. I am in awe of people who can do these things

  7. Where's Peppy Lady.???
    Okay, I hope.


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Today Is Sunday, September 15, 2024: This Is What Happened.

 Not sure how the layout will go with this blog post. I've been working in what I call my spiritual art journal. The area I been working...