Saturday, September 16, 2023

Today Is Saturday, September 16, 2023: This Is What Happened.

It's clueless why I couldn't get my photos off my camera and onto my laptop. Today, it all works. I decided not to load all the pictures I talked about yesterday.

It can be appalling when a person needs or wants about around a dozen of an item—been looking for envelopes 2.5 by 3.5. The only thing I can find is a package of 100 or more. I might try stopping in at our local florist store. They have gift cards, and hopefully, they have some extra envelopes they are willing to sell. Another thing is a local pawn shop. Usually, they handle coins, which are also known as coin envelopes.

Murphy and I went to town this morning. The first stop was to vacuum out the pickup. Cost .75 for about 15 minutes. The first one we went to, the vacuum didn't suck anything.

Then we drive up the North Hill. Murphy's cousin, Laim, inherited his mom's property. For now, the word "inherited" is the best way to explain it. Family soap operas can take a bit to explain, not into typing a novel.

Well, his cousin sold the land, and Murphy wants to know if the new owners have started to log it. Well, no sign of logging. And if we're logging it, no one can do anything about it.

Then we stop at the hardware store. We need a few things so we can continue painting the house. I stayed in the rig as Murphy went to the store. I read.

Then, we drove back downhill. The city parking lot is where the Farmer Market is held. Two tables were set up in the parking lot for the petition drive. To change Idaho from a closed primary to an open one. Murphy and I signed the petition.

Murphy went back to the pickup, and I walked over to TEASCARLET. I took my three artist cards and got my three. She asks if I plan to do any more. I more or less said, "Yes."

Then, up on South Hill, we mainly got groceries. The only nonfood item we got was a pair of mouse traps for $2.20.

The top three is the ones I did. 

Today would have been my mother's 100 birthday.


  1. Nice art and Happy Birthday to your dear departed mom

  2. ...have you tried making envelopes?

    1. Will look around a bit for the size of envelopes I'm looking for. If I can't find them. Then I will make some out of brown bag bags.

  3. If you buy a pack of 100 envelopes you won't need to buy any again for years and years. About that land, if it is already sold, then you shouldn't be logging on it. That's like stealing, it is someone else's land and trees.

    1. We weren't going to log it. We were curious if possible if.someone else was.

  4. Keep reading, keep creating.

  5. Sounds like another busy day! Your art is lovely! Valerie

  6. Keeping busy in your retirement. My state is also closed primary. I can see both good and bad in making it open. Alana

  7. I like your art.
    It's nice to remember your Mom on what would have been her 100th birthday.

    All the best Jan

  8. I'm glad the photo to computer thing worked. Hey, be careful what you wish for. Our state is open primary and it's awful. If you happen to get a good candidate the other side crosses over and votes for the competition so the good one loses. You do end up with not the best winners quite often.

  9. Happy birthday to your mom. Weird that it all worked for you with pictures now but not before.

  10. Happy heavenly birthday to your mother. Getting photos from phone to computer is always tricky for me too.


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Today Is Wednesday, September 18, 2024: This Is What Happened.

It was a regular day. I went through a box in the back bedroom. I ended up with a small sack of items to go to the thrift store, but I'm...